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  1. M

    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @simpleone1 Thank you! I certainly don't want to rush back into things and hamper my recovery. And as others have said, the sooner I heal, the sooner I can get back to normality, so resting for the whole 2 weeks is probably the best option. Sorry to hear about your own set backs. Wishing you a...
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @philipito That's reassuring, thank you!
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @tone2133 Good advice, thanks!
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @krill Yeah, I certainly don't want to hinder my recovery, so it's probably better if I just take it easy for the 2 weeks. I've just increased my calorie intake slightly from 1300 to 1350. Apparently, my maintenance calories with no exercise are about 1400 so I should be ok. Thanks!
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @ryanjrhodes I've just increased my calorie intake slightly from 1300 to 1350. According to a TDEE calculator I looked at, my maintenance calories with no exercise whatsoever is about 1400, so hopefully I'll be ok sticking to what I'm currently doing.
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @kimerella2 Thanks, that's reassured me :)
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @hcmcity That's a good point, thanks!
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    @rodneys Thanks! That's reassuring!
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    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    As the title suggests, I (5’2” / 54.7kg) am having surgery and have been instructed that I can’t engage in any rigorous activity for 2 weeks that will make me sweat, because sweating could lead to an infection. Also, as I’ll have stitches, I’ll need to be careful not to accidentally tear them...