Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks


New member
As the title suggests, I (5’2” / 54.7kg) am having surgery and have been instructed that I can’t engage in any rigorous activity for 2 weeks that will make me sweat, because sweating could lead to an infection. Also, as I’ll have stitches, I’ll need to be careful not to accidentally tear them.

My surgery is happening on 21st Feb and I’m anxious about the thought of not being able to exercise for that long. I’ve barely skipped a day in 10 years, and when I have, it’s only been a day or two while I was ill. Looking online, lots of sources say that after 2 weeks of no exercise, you’ll notice a huge difference in your fitness levels, and I’m worried about ruining my progress, especially as I haven’t reached my goal weight yet (50kg).

I normally do at least 40 minutes a day of HIIT or strength, alternating each day, plus I’ll go for a mile-long walk at lunch time. I did ask the surgeon if light exercise was ok after a few days and he sort of said yes, but I’d have to be very, very careful. He said walking is ok, as long as it doesn’t make me sweat, so I’ve wondered if a longer walk might suffice, but I’m worried it’s not going to be enough.

If I can just maintain my weight and fitness levels while I’m recovering from the surgery, I’ll be happy with that. Does anyone have any advice on maintenance without exercise? Many thanks in advance.
@markfred I’ve had surgery 7 times and it’s absolutely NOT true that there is a huge difference on your fitness level after just 2 weeks!!!! I usually take at least six weeks off and the biggest issue is I’m just really sore when I get back into lifting. Don’t stress. Just make sure you’re giving your body enough calories to heal.
@markfred Rest up eat at maintenance. The faster you recover the faster you'll get to it. Your only job is to recover.

If it makes you feel better you'll burn more calories healing from surgery than any other rest day.
@markfred I took a 7-week vacation, no tracking, no lifting at all. Just stayed active for most days. When I came back my weight was the same ( a little lower actually, since I wasn't lifting), and my strength wasn't too diminished. After a week or so I got back up to the weights I was using before I left. Even if you sat on your ass for two week (which you probably should tbh), you would not notice any difference.

14 days in 3650 days is nothing - you spend more than that amount of time sleeping.
@ryanjrhodes I've just increased my calorie intake slightly from 1300 to 1350. According to a TDEE calculator I looked at, my maintenance calories with no exercise whatsoever is about 1400, so hopefully I'll be ok sticking to what I'm currently doing.
@markfred I went thorough this 3 times last year. Highly recommend taking it easy. You’ll heal faster which will get you back into the swing of things faster. If you tear open your stitches or get an infection it’ll lonely take longer to get back to the gym and your regular routine. 2 of the 3 survives I had I was able to walk after the first 5 days. The other took me about a full two weeks to be able to walk normally. But I semi regret trying to move as much as i did directly after it. It definitely stretched the scar more than if i had fully listed to my doctor.

That said, it’s a great time to focus on what’s you’re doing in the kitchen. I wouldn’t cut, but you can make sure you’re maintaining. I meal prepped for my first 3-5 days. And since you have a weight goal, you can still make progress in the kitchen.

All that said, be kind to your body when it’s healing ❤️‍🩹 and good luck with the surgery!
@krill Yeah, I certainly don't want to hinder my recovery, so it's probably better if I just take it easy for the 2 weeks.

I've just increased my calorie intake slightly from 1300 to 1350. Apparently, my maintenance calories with no exercise are about 1400 so I should be ok. Thanks!
@markfred Maintenance without exercise - Slow walking, eat at maintenance focusing on anti inflammatory foods, proteins, fiber, stay hydrated, quality sleep, get sunlight for vit d, naps/meditations, work on mobility where you’re able
@markfred I do aerial hoop and in busy periods when I can’t go for weeks, and when I can start it regularly again I’m always pleasantly surprised by how quickly I can catch up, 2 weeks is really nothing in the grand scheme of things you’ll be ok!
@markfred I am in a similar position. Had minor surgery on my hand last week. I thought I'd leave with a few stiches and 1 week off, but instead I've got 30+ stitches and can't even think about lifting a weight for 3 weeks. To say I am bummed is an understatement. It is frustrating. Even after the procedure I was trying to find ways to make my routine work to not lose progress. I realized soon after (probably when the local wore off) the best thing for me now is to focus on getting better by resting and looking after myself so I can can heal well and get back to my routine asap. I'm glad I've given myself time to recover as i feel much improved over the last few days. Like others said I've been focused on my diet and am considering adding more long walks back in. Best of luck on your surgery.
@simpleone1 Thank you! I certainly don't want to rush back into things and hamper my recovery. And as others have said, the sooner I heal, the sooner I can get back to normality, so resting for the whole 2 weeks is probably the best option.

Sorry to hear about your own set backs. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
@markfred After resting for 2 weeks Im pretty sure u will feel with more energy! And stronger! That's what usually happens to me when I don't workout for a couple of day :) good luck in ur surgery
@markfred Other comments here have provided some solid advice. Rest, heal and get back to it after stronger than before.

However at the risk of sounding rude…I think you may need to rethink your approach to fitness. It sounds like you are very hard on yourself. Rest days (even when NOT recovering from a surgery) are absolutely crucial to healing your body from the intense exercise it sounds like you put it through on a daily basis. Again not trying to come off as condescending or anything but I have been there before and it’s not a healthy way to live. Much love 🤍