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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 On any lift that it’s safe to do so (NOT the big 3), I’ll keep putting everything I have into that last rep (without moving around, trying to get leverage or break form), until it either starts moving one last time to completion, or the muscle just finally can’t hold it anymore. Like...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @deni500 The Hammer Strength lat pulldown is awesome. Idk the reasoning behind it, but I do agree that the row isn’t nearly as good. I can’t feel it hitting very well. I’d much rather just do a cable row, or one armed DB rows.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @kvolm I agree with this. If you’re decently strong, you’re capable of pulling yourself off the ground, so how can you possible use enough weight to get good stimulus?
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    What should I change to make more progress?

    @sphynx Dude, how is your bench only 135 after 10 years, yet you somehow put 10 pounds on the bar in 6 months? Do you have some sort of muscular disease? I’m confused here. With 10 years experience, and weighing 145 pounds, you should AT LEAST be able to do your bodyweight. Realistically should...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @kvolm I’d put pull-ups higher, personally. I’ve never met a navy seal or marine with bad lat development
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @dawn16 I’m not gonna argue. I always had good spine development from years of powerlifting.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @earnest1018 What is your overall goal? Strength, or size? When you say you’re stalling, do you mean that you can’t add weight to the bar, or can’t add reps, or what? First off, if your bench is at 370 (it took me to my 30’s to get into the upper 300’s, and I got really big and fat to start...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Kane (the wrestler) used to own a gym in Sevierville, TN. I was a member there. He used to come in when he wasn’t on the road, and workout. He had Hammer Strength machines, and he used them a lot (with a crap ton of plates, I might add). If it was good enough for him, idk...
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    My results from a low volume and frequency program (with measurements)

    @angelica009 It’s like everything else- everyone is different. Some people do awesome 3x a week, and others once a week. At this point, I’m just content keeping what I’ve built, and trying to stave off Father Time
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    My results from a low volume and frequency program (with measurements)

    @angelica009 I’ve been debating going from PPLPP to a bro split. First my legs stopped recovering from 2X a week, and now my upper body is starting to feel it. Been training almost 30 years, so maybe it’s all I need at this point.
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    My results from a low volume and frequency program (with measurements)

    @angelica009 Intriguing. I’ve always wondered what the results would be with something like this, or even a bro split, and going balls to the walls on the sets.
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef I’d separate the lat pulldowns and pull-ups to different days, as well as the bent over rows and cable rows. I’d do face pulls once a week, and find something similar for the other day, but that’s me personally. As for biceps, 6 sets per session is plenty, so I’d mix that up as well...
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    Bicep tendon pain

    @jbreyes777 Yes, I’ve been having issues with it lately in my old age. But mine is the exact opposite- I can do hammer curls and reverse curls fine, and neutral grip or pronated pull downs/pull ups. But if I do ANYTHING supinated, my right bicep tendon will scream bloody murder, and my left will...
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @aeri20 Good list, but I do have to say, if you have access to a trap bar, shrugs go way up.
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    Is this guy legit or is this just misinformation? Afraid I'm not training properly

    @erniedavid Fake strength???? WTF does that even mean?
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @donohue2210 LOL that’s awesome
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @sisi You’re supposed to work abs? I always thought that’s what the beer was for
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @cathyj Like everything else, it totally depends on your goals. It’s been a big trend lately to outright bash anything powerlifting/power building related, and there are good arguments for doing so, but those arguments only hold if optimized bodybuilding is the goal. Just remember- you can be a...
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    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @mariajo I hope your gym is cheap, if they’re gonna give you a squat rack with no safeties….. Anyhow, just get close to failure on barbell squats, and get actual failure on something like goblet squat.
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    What could contribute to low test levels in a natural male "healthy" teenager (me)?

    @wreckingball667 Feel free to ask me any questions. I’ve been on TRT for 6 years now, and no, I never took PED’s before then. I felt like absolute dog crap for several years, and my wife (a DNP) told me to get bloodwork, and my T was 53……