overtraining impacting results

@sbrodhagen barbell bench then accessory lifts, typically a dumbell movement either incline or flat then some sort of machine pressing movement; it's really just genetic i think my dad had similar lifts when he was my age and his chest and shoulders lacked size aswell
@earnest1018 I would bench the barbell bench for a while and find other exercises to make your primary chest movement.

I really like incline cable chest press because it gives me awesome tension and pump in the upper chest.

But maybe you'd be better off doing incline smith bench press like Sam Sulek does.

For a more shoulder focused day maybe increase that incline to 45-75 degrees to really hit the delta, should hit both front and mid delts.

Mine have improved a lot with the shoulder press machine.

Some clips I think are helpful...
@earnest1018 What is your overall goal? Strength, or size? When you say you’re stalling, do you mean that you can’t add weight to the bar, or can’t add reps, or what? First off, if your bench is at 370 (it took me to my 30’s to get into the upper 300’s, and I got really big and fat to start working up to 405), then your progress going forward is gonna be at a SNAIL’S PACE. That’s the reality of putting up big numbers, short of being the genetic 0.01% and/or on gear.
@earnest1018 I don't think this guy is legit, but I would be open to him proving me wrong with proof of his lifts. Based on his post history he might just being a lying, clout chasing, up-vote farmer.
@earnest1018 Why are you asking all these people who you are stronger than? You need a pro coach since you're basically at enhanced numbers as a teen.

Try coming off of intensity, though. Going to failure sometimes can be great, it's obviously taken you far, but if you're struggling to hit numbers, deload maybe 30% tonnage or volume for a week, then do the same stuff up to an RPE8 max and progress in that way. It will be much kinder on you, you'll still get 95+% of gains or more since you'll be able to do more volume when you're not going to failure every set. Boxing is a ton of cardio so you may just need to eat more.
@askinghonestly i was asking this in a bodybuilding subreddit bc i recently have switched my training from solely powerlifting focused to more bodybuilding bc i want to compete, thanks for tips about volume i'll see if that does anything for me
@earnest1018 I see, yeah decreasing your set intensity just a little bit, a rep or two in the tank will help that out and volume is great for bodybuilding and really strength training in general. You're already a big ass, strong dude. If you're repping out 400 4 x 12 on squat instead of 2 x 18 for example, you're still getting 2 more really hard sets, you're just able to do a little more at the end of the workout. Just start slow with adding more, like a set per week or so