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    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @blindly28 It's so hard to pick just one, but my favorite is when people think they have some special metabolism or mysterious, unnamed medical condition that requires them to eat meat and for which there are no side effects or symptoms except needing to eat meat.
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    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    @icameforhelp Eat your current diet and add 5 tablespoons of peanut butter per day. If your weight is steady on your current diet, you'll gain a pound a week with this modification.
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    Dealing with tofu/tempeh/soy milk prices

    @aptiv245 I recently got soy rice puffs that do well as a meat crumble substitute. Just add boiling water and seasoning! Then fry it (or if you’re lazy like me, just add the water and put it in a wrap). You can also...
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    I’m confused about protein… 🫤

    @cdlara381 I would think you could easily get 100g protein from the food. I eat 2,000 calories a day and usually end up around 120-140g protein.
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    I’m confused about protein… 🫤

    @cdlara381 Since you’re trying to lose weight, I think whole foods would be best only because they’ll take up more space in your belly and help you feel full.
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    Coffee drinkers/weight loss

    @nbabkina I use unsweetened soy milk and stevia packets. If I'm really in the mood of something fancy, I'll add a little vanilla extract. Probably not ideal, but it does add 16g protein to my diet every day with how much coffee I drink.
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    I don’t count calories

    @outside If you have the goal of gaining or losing 1 pound a week, keeping track of your calories is basically necessary. If you don't have that goal, you don't need to keep track. You might as well just eat healthy food and get exercise.
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    Investigating the Relationship Between Diet and Mood

    @geosaved This survey has a big design flaw. People will naturally alter their responses to prove their diet superior. By having only questions related to mood and diet, you’re unable to account for other factors, like employment, socioeconomics, or personality traits. To demonstrate the...
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    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @keeseckercharlotte,-culture.html#:\~:text=While%20most%20eat%20one%20to, Nothing about Okinawa specifically.
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    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @ichthymom Older Japanese people eat 3 servings of tofu (35-40g soy protein) every day and are among the oldest living people. There is, as far as I know, no solid evidence indicating a dangerous level of soy protein in any realistically meaningful way.
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    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    @missionaryadvocate Block of tofu with tahini, broccoli, pasta, and a shake with 60g pea protein and two tablespoons peanut butter. That’s like a 1,400 calorie meal.
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    Daily Protein Powder (g)

    @zahrazaida55 I’d be interested in some cross sectional data here, mainly what people are doing in the gym along with their protein intake. I start the day with a 60g mix of pea protein and peanut powder, which has helped me tack on a good 10 pounds per week to my squats, but I doubt I’d need...
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    Seriously who said “vegans can’t be strong?”

    @kdudkey Yeah most meat eaters can’t squat 200 pounds but no one blames the meat.
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    The Great Protein Lie: Unmasking the Truth Behind Excessive Protein Intake in Vegan Fitness and Reclaiming Our Health

    @luvtogrow2 Do I need an extra 100g protein to help sustain my 100 pounds of fat?!