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    Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

    @lostandtired To find satiation at all when I removed sugar, I had to really bump up hard in the fats.
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    DEXA Results: 24 y/o, 5’5”, 142 lbs, 31% BF

    @pssu Pretty much came to say the same thing...TIL I would like to have 31% BF
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    *REALISTIC* 1 year 🍑 progress!

    @cathy1964 I love it when the fuck it mentality knocks out my lingering ED thoughts. all aboard the gains train
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @tomvalois Fellow recovered anorexic with messed up sleeping and continuous hunger/ridiculous metabolism issues. Been prescribed some hardcore sleeping mess in the past, but have recently enjoyed a better sleep after cutting all caffiene and taking ZMA before bed. Might be worth a shot.
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    After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

    Got me wondering, how many of you girls have no idea what you weigh? I know my height for sure, but I couldn't give you a guess on my weight. I stopped weighing because I found it less stressful for bulking, as I always felt small, weak and disappointed when I wasn't gaining. So ladies, how...
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    I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

    @donny4793 Sautée your greens in it. Delicious
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    Hemp V Whey V Casein V Soy V Pea

    @rickyrixon84 Check out myprotein fir whatever you choose. Cheap, no fillers, good quality and have so many options.
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    Pre Workout

    @areasoningfaith Dates used to be my goto. Also black coffee master race
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    Skinny fat (135 lbs) to skinny and toned (127 lbs) (2011-2018)

    @safethusfar Rice with sesame oil and sugar was totally an after school style snack that I'd be into.
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    How to deal with missing out socially because of workouts?

    @bertchen This so much. Easiest and most convienent to set aside early morning when there are less life events scheduled in.
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    Pre Workout

    @lil_worried If you are just interested in the caffeine boost, caffeine pills are cheap and easy to dose up or down as required
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    DEXA 6'2"/32/187 lbs 38.7% on the bright side I have great bone density 👍

    @prophecy7777 Also, cottage cheese, nutritonal yeast, lentils, beans, tempeh, vital wheat gluten, seitan, quorn, and TVP.
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    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @unhappymale Fire that "nutritionist"