DEXA Results: 26 F / 5'5.5" / 129 lbs / 15.7% body fat

@katzby23 I think that looks accurate! -- Basing this opinion off of a DEXA I got, and people here thought it looked about right -- I was measured at 16.7% (and I was also like, Wuuuutttt no way) and I am sort of similar height/weight (5'6.5", 135) and you do look a little bit leaner than me... but sort of similar...

Accurate or not, nice work, you look super!!!!!!
@prohormones Hershey Med Center. I was told it would take about 2.5 hours....appointments are being set up like a month+ from now (I scheduled mine like 1.5 weeks ago for May 26 and that was the earliest available).

I have the contact info if you want to PM me for it!
@dawn16 My veins are ridiculous; I look at a dumbbell and they bulge. I've always had REALLY visible arm veins (I am awesome for giving blood haha!)
@katzby23 I also spy a stomach/hip vein, which usually only pop out when a person is very lean (well under 20%). I would say the scan appears to be pretty accurate for you.
@pyonghwabear I've changed it so much these past few months. Check out my Jefit haha...

I was doing 5 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday were Lower days. Tuesday and Thursdays were upper. I then switched it to the HIIT 100s for a month, which is 6 days a week. The HIIT 100s was meant to cut some weight, but I was just way too hungry on it so I recomped on it.

Now I'm trying someone's cut program....because I thought I wanted to cut a little more....but seeing these results, I'm a little concerned that I shouldn't cut fat anymore. :-/ This program is 5 days a week as well, 2 days on, one day off, three days on, one day off. I do cardio everyday.
@katzby23 FWIW (which is nothing) if I was in your boat I would ride your current BF through the summer as you are uber beach ready, then come fall do a slow bulk through winter.