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    @seekinganswersinlife Not everyone involved will be outright lying. People will tell themselves that they’re seeing the MOST AMAZING THING EVER. They’ll believe the half truths stitched together, and because they don’t really know what they’re talking about on the actual science of hormones...
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    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @bkrolex Where I’m looking. It’s so easy to watch the bar, or the floor, or the plates on one end, and mess up everything as your body tries yo follow your eyes.
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    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @kingshellie Not appropriate for someone to touch you without having first sought consent to do so, even if the current coach may not have any grubby intentions like the last one did. You really should have a quick chat with him ‘hey, I appreciate your coaching but I would prefer not to be...
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I enjoy how exercise makes me feel. I enjoy how outdoor exercise lets me be more in touch with seasonality and with the places I am doing things, whether it’s a morning walk to get a coffee, or cycling in the hills, or a swim at the beach. Sometimes it’s about targeting events; a 5k, a...