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    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    @youngman4god I was eating a surplus before starting so honestly my abs disappeared toward week 1. Ive never been a big delt responder but my anterior lats and serratus are both noticeably popping more.
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    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    @snowlucario 8s is all I keep thinking about 🤢
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    The Giant 1.0 in the books... how did I do?

    45.5lb x2 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 5x 14 (70) 15 (75) 18 (90) 19 (95) 6x 12 (72) 13 (78) 14 (84) 15 (90) 4x 17 (68) 21 (84) 23 (92) 25 (100) I finished W4D3 today and managed to add 2 more sets to hit triple digits (it was almost an EMOM). I've been KBing for a little over 2 years...
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @anojinzouningen I’m 37, pretty well conditioned, >15 training years. I’m doing the Giant right now, on week 6 (1.1) using a pair of 20s. On the off days, I have an ABA/BAB routine I do to keep my push-up and pull-up RMs comfortably high year-round for military PT testing. I’ll do a push and...