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  1. D

    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @jesseyoung20 Weight lifting! :) I've been lifting for close to two years now. I know I'll never look anything like a fitness influencer, it's just not in my genetics, but I've made noticeable improvements and hope to keep it going! I've tried a few different programs but I mostly follow...
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    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @jesseyoung20 This thread is so comforting, I'm 5'0" and have a really short torso + broad shoulders and big boobs, and then I have chicken legs and no hips. At my absolute lowest weight (~102lbs) I did not like how I looked at all. My upper body still seemed big due to my wide ribcage and you'd...
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    I hate to say it…all of the pull-up advice on this sub is 100% correct

    @ashleye23 Congrats! Not gonna lie, I didn't do any kind of pull up specific training, but still found after a few months of general strength training that I could finally do pull ups. I'm realizing that tends to be more of the exception though, and I probably could've gotten there faster with...
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    Finally got dumbbells and…

    @bdmulneaux Same, I've been lifting for like 15 months and I can still only do maybe 5-6 reps at 11kg. If I'd tried starting with that weight I think my shoulders would've dislocated, assuming I could even get the weights above shoulder level 🥴
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @patrick226 Hello fellow short waist-er, I also store fat pretty much entirely in my mid section. When I'm at my leanest I have faint side ab lines, but nothing remotely close to resembling a six pack. I also don't have a center ab line, which is determined by genetics. I think the center line...
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    I’m lost!!!

    @kuysniks I'm the same height, and with how I carry fat (entirely in my stomach), it didn't make sense for me to start off with a bulk. I started by just getting my weight down through diet, and once I didn't have much excess fat (which for me happened around 107lbs), I went into my first bulk...
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @patrick226 I definitely think nutrition is the bigger factor here. I've made pretty good progress on my lifts following Meg's program, but even when cutting I don't eat below 1500. When bulking I'm often eating around 2100 (and I'm 5'0", so you'd probably need to eat more than that).
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @billbennet Really resonate with your point about not always knowing what failure feels like. I've been lifting for close to 2 years and feel like I've only recently truly gone to failure on some lifts. Like on my last squat day, I think I spent 14 seconds trying to grind out my last rep, it was...