Short torso girlies, where are you?!

@jesseyoung20 I feeeel like it could be possible but not sustainable?? Like queen of uncool said i completely agree. I personally was on a strict diet of around 1450 cals and that also included weight training or running almost everyday. I honestly dont know how i would have time for that now šŸ˜‚ for now im content with looking like i go to the gym but not particularly lean.
@huckleberrymom No no no no no no no ahahah

I've got wide as FUCK hips, big arms, big thighs and massive tiddeis, set with tiny hands and feet, and I look "stocky" (or, societally, fat), at any healthy weight. When I had a bmi of 16, my hips measured 36 inches round.

Like they're the reason I'll never look chic. They're the reason I'll always look wide. They're the reason I will always look fat under baggy clothes. They, and the wider waist they've given me as a result cause my torso is short, literally caused my anorexia as a teen!

I can reduce the breasts via an extortionately expensive surgery, but my hips are stuck this size.

You can always make a part of you look bigger, it's a lot harder to make a part of oyu look smaller. To my girlies with small boobs, trust me it's easier to stuff your bra for to fit in that dress than it is to lug around G cups in the summer, wanting to cry because your friends can free-boob it and you have sores under your breasts. WIth your choice being sores from the sweat of bras, or sores from chafing of the skin. Knowing your only way out is your entire life savings on a surgery that for some messed up reason is considered "purely cosmetic" in most cases, so the NHS/RAMQ/Insurance will not cover it. TRUST ME.
@jesseyoung20 i think it would be very hard to achieve what most people perceive as the perfect physique at that height and with a short torso without the help of some amazing genetics tbh but i could be wrong. im 5ā€™3 and got down to 115 lbs and didnt look ANYTHING how id wanted to look :( not to be a downer lol
@timothy1212 Hopping on to say that I (5ā€™2 and short waisted) have been down to 114 and up to 148 in my adult life and never once did I feel thin or that my body looked the way I wanted. Which is liberating in its own way. Iā€™m about 140 now and focusing on building strength and stamina for the long haul.
@jesseyoung20 I am pear shaped. At the high end of my range my tops stop fitting, which is when I get truly frustrated. Iā€™m quite used to pants not fitting the way Iā€™d like though, so whether Iā€™m a 4 or a 10, I struggle. People say I carry it well but I have always felt wide. Learning to style outfits and accentuate my waist has helped quite a bit. Sometimes I worry that my outfits are borderline inappropriate because of how much junk is in the trunk, but I have stopped hiding beneath baggy clothes that do not fit. I think my attitude has changed more drastically than my body. Though it has taken decades to get here.
@timothy1212 No this is totally the kind of answers that I wanted to see! Our bodies are so different so even if we achieve our goals will we look how we want/expect to look like? I think thatā€™s why Iā€™m curious to see others who have achieved the ā€œgoalā€ to see what are more likely ā€œrealisticā€ results of what this looks like for us short height, short torso girlies lol
@jesseyoung20 Short torso and wide shoulders here. I carry fat in my mid section front and back, it sucks. Iā€™m ~123lbs now and Iā€™m trying to focus on a healthier relationship with food and movement. I felt best when I was around 115-117lbs, but idk if I could make it back down to that.
Also clothes shopping sucks!
@jesseyoung20 This thread is so comforting, I'm 5'0" and have a really short torso + broad shoulders and big boobs, and then I have chicken legs and no hips. At my absolute lowest weight (~102lbs) I did not like how I looked at all. My upper body still seemed big due to my wide ribcage and you'd have needed a magnifying glass to see my butt or legs. I'm like 117lbs currently (bulking) and I have more belly than I care for, but my lower body has at least filled out a bit
@jesseyoung20 Weight lifting! :) I've been lifting for close to two years now. I know I'll never look anything like a fitness influencer, it's just not in my genetics, but I've made noticeable improvements and hope to keep it going! I've tried a few different programs but I mostly follow Stronger by the Day
@jesseyoung20 I'm a torsoless reverse triangle. I thought losing weight would help me find clothes that fit better, but no... I still don't have a waist. I can't tuck, and I can't wear crop tops or high waisted pants. Today's fashions suck on me. I miss long tops/tunics over leggings as it worked so well for me.

I never have had a flat stomach even as a skinny kid. I think it is because all my abdominal fat and abs are bunched into 5"-6" when most people have 10"-12". I actually try not to overwork my core because it makes my problem worse.