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  1. S

    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @pwl You just made my WHOLE DAY!! I want to look strong as hell 🥹 i love it. Thank you!!!!
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @dawn16 Omg lol i did not even notice! I definitely have gained a LOT of confidence! Makes sense, thanks for pointing it out!!
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @mizzyjp I’m so glad that my posture is getting better and others are noticing it :) i totally didn’t take it as creepy, i am so excited that I’m getting my curves back! I am fitting much better in my clothes now and i can finally fit in a L shirt again, which feels great. Thank you!
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @dawn16 For real! Even if I’m having a bad day, i feel better even if i go in and stretch. It’s like a palate cleanser for your brain!! Mental gains are huge and sooo underrated - i actually like pictures other people take of me now which is insane because i NEVER have!! And i think i look so...
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @offeiriad Thank you!! I have started to realize that i just get to the point of, “okay I’m done with this!” And just go for whatever my goal is! It’s usually not a gradual thing, it’s a “boom that’s how it is now” type of thing haha.
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @jay73 Honestly, it sounds pretty stupid when i say the reasoning behind it, but i just want to look strong as hell. I don’t mind if i have a little tummy, or whatever, but if someone decides they want to kidnap me, i want them to think twice about it because i look like I’m going to put up a...
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @mommytoisabella My boyfriend introduced me to it! He showed me a few things for each day to get me started, but for the most part i find the exercises myself now. Most of them are machine based so i just stick with them
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @safoster Thanks! I want to try a different program but i love it too much haha.
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @esquyers If that’s all you can do, then that’s okay! Just work your way up, maybe add on 2 minutes a week. Your doggo will appreciate it too, so use that as motivation:)
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @darrelelliott I’ve been focusing on self love, i had next to none of that 4 years ago and I’ve been a work in progress since i started! Best thing I’ve ever done for myself.
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @bill59 Omg i LOVE THAT!! looking strong is what i want 😍 thank you!
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @rodney21 We have kayaks & bikes!! We’re working on getting out there more. We went on a cross country trip in august and it gave us the motivation to stop eating at restaurants, cut back on spending, and save up to fly out to Colorado on a whim to go to RMNP or something LOL. That’s the final...
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @thetruthalonewemustobey I know i can keep it going! My posture is the real winner here haha it still sucks, but it’s so much better than it was! I’m much more confident
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @dawn16 Thank you! Yes, we have a rack and setup at our house but my form still sucks 🙃 and again, i know i am my biggest downfall with this LOL Once we get our home gym reconfigured I’m going to give it another shot
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @wongster Thank you for your advice! We’re working on redoing our home gym where I’ll be able to practice the bigger compound movements. It’s currently in our non heated garage and a little cramped feeling, so it’s tough to work out in there. I really would love to count calories and do CICO...
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    Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

    @dawn16 Thank you! I’m so proud of the difference in my waist