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    PSA: Silken tofu is under rated

    @piggybank Okay, thank you for the reply. I have a health food store here that offers a case discount, so I usually end up with huge quantities of the shelf stable stuff :-)
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    PSA: Silken tofu is under rated

    @piggybank All great ideas everyone! Are you using the shelf stable boxes of silken tofu that are labeled silken tofu lite by Mori-nu brand, or are you using the type from the refrigerator section that comes in liquid? They have slightly different textures. I personally find the shelf-stable...
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    Am I doing this backwards?

    @selmareed I think 1900 is a very realistic and easy to accomplish calorie deficit. That is a very sustainable number that you can wrap your head and your appetite around :-)
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    Am I doing this backwards?

    @selmareed Mentally, it will be easier to figure out your maintenance calories using a TDEE calculator and eat at maintenance while you get into a good lifting routine. After a few months of consistency and calorie tracking, you can decide whether to bulk or cut. Most people who try to do it all...
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    Calories for women

    @karra The link that you submitted says "the majority of people only need to eat about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight (g/kg) per day — or 0.36 grams per pound (g/lb)". It lists professional bodybuilders and endurance athletes as needing more protein than this. I consider myself...
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    Calories for women

    @karra To maintain your current weight you would need 1750 calories. If bulking is your goal increase by 200 and start there. Your protein math was correct but the advice is per kilogram of bodyweight, not per pound. .83 grams of protein per kilogram (you are 72 kg) is 59 grams of protein. Even...
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    Vitamins and supplements

    @613jono Hence the well balanced diet. If OP is worried, cronometer is a great resource for tracking particular nutrients to make sure you don't miss anything.
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    Vitamins and supplements

    @613jono You can test for everything that OP is taking currently. What is your point? What would you take that cannot be tested for specifically?
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    Vitamins and supplements

    @gentilerain Get a blood test and only take supplements that you are deficient in. I have been vegan since 1984 and take zero supplements. I eat a well balanced diet, that includes soy milk and nutritional yeast that are fortified with B12, so I don't even take that. I get a blood test every 6...