PSA: Silken tofu is under rated


New member
Y’all, I just wanted to share some insight from a vegan of 10 years.

Silken tofu is seriously under used and under rated. It’s low fat and high protein compared to vegan Mayo or other oil based products!

I have posted here before about the silken tofu “yogurt” for higher protein option, but would love to share my personal list of things I have made with silken tofu. I don’t have recipes I’m sorry I just whip things up in the kitchen but you can always look up similar recipes for help! I’m always looking for new food ideas so I wanted to share in case there are some newbies or others who haven’t made these yet.
  • Ranch (literally just blended it up with some nooch and tons of ranch flavor seasonings and some acid like vinegar/lemon) this is by far my favorite and most recent use of silken tofu
-Alfredo sauce (blended with seasonings INCLUDING a pinch of nutmeg, trust me)
  • Mac n cheese sauce (kind of just blend with tons of seasonings/nooch and then I heat in a pot and add my vegan cheese of choice)
  • throw it in smoothies for extra protein and creaminess
  • instead of milk in my banana ice cream I’ll do some silken tofu it’s so much creamier
-you can also use the ranch idea for any other type of creamy or Mayo based sauce but with the silken tofu instead :) or just make it into Mayo!

Enjoy! I hope this sparks some ideas and inspiration for someone!

Ps: I post it in this sub since most vegans on here like to look for healthier/higher protein alternatives to certain foods and you guys liked my tofu egg salad recipe before :)
@solomonanderson I like to do that and make whipped coconut cream with refrigerated canned coconut whipped with vanilla. And vanilla and strawberry pudding is good as well. I usually add flavored protein powder.
@solomonanderson Came here to post this! Topped with some fresh berries and a sprig of mint it's delicious!! Also definitely recommend throwing some instant coffee in there as well a little bit will amp up the chocolate flavour a lot will make it a mocha mousse. I usually grind it fine in a mortar and pestle just to make sure it dissolves more easily but you could probably just throw it in too.
@piggybank These are great! I recently started experimenting with Silken Tofu and I found a way to make sunny side up eggs. You just blend the tofu, throw it on the skillet, as it solidifies, use a circular cookie cutout or something similar, then pour in Just egg or your preferred vegan egg yolk substitute in the center. Season with salt and pepper and for extra egginess, some black salt. As a vegan who misses eggs, this is quickly becoming a household favorite.
@rdavis0720 I've done something similar. I carefully slice the silken tofu then pan fry it in some margarine. Top it with black salt. I used the mess with replicating the yolk but lazy is as lazy does.
@rdavis0720 My secret is to cut the ends of the box off with scissors. Then slice the top edge of the box with a pairing knife. Then use the pairing knife to cut the tofu. Then use a thin metal spatula to transfer it to the pan.
@piggybank Made a chocolate pie filling with silken tofu, simply delicious pudding powder, teaspoon of coffee concentrate and soy cream until smooth. Winged it lol, turned out great. Put it in a graham cracker crust.
@piggybank All great ideas everyone! Are you using the shelf stable boxes of silken tofu that are labeled silken tofu lite by Mori-nu brand, or are you using the type from the refrigerator section that comes in liquid? They have slightly different textures.

I personally find the shelf-stable kind to be very creamy. It purees into an ultra creamy texture with no chunks. I haven't tried the other one.
@piggybank Okay, thank you for the reply. I have a health food store here that offers a case discount, so I usually end up with huge quantities of the shelf stable stuff :)