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  1. A

    I cannot gain muscle, no matter what I do

    @allysmiles3 I feel your pain. If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone. Here is my story. Almost identical. I can gain and lose weight on command, and I have done 3 cut and bulk cycles with different programming. I program for...
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    Questioning my progress

    @d33smth That's what I'm trying to figure out on my third bulk. I even tested hormone levels. And they seem good except for my dht is low since I take finasteride to prevent hair loss. So maybe that has something to do with it in my case. Also could be my age or something else about me that...
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    Questioning my progress

    @d33smth I feel you man. I have a similar journey. In general you don't look like you gained much muscle from pic 2 to 3. But you might have. Try dexa scans. Or at least track your waistline. If that stays the same then keep bulking, it means you're putting on muscle. You're probably at 14%...