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    Tdee q

    @adviceplease This would be inaccurate for me. It estimates my maintance at 2500-3000. My true maintenance lays around 3500-4000 as I've been eating this amount for a long time and have gained minimal weight
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    Tdee q

    @adviceplease I was actually looking for one do you know a website that does this?
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    Tdee q

    @adviceplease I think you misunderstood, I was wondering why it was so low. Shouldn't it be above 4200?
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    Tdee q

    If anyone is familiar with a tdee spreadsheet can you explain why it lists my maintance for 2 weeks as lower than my intake despite losing weight? I ate roughly 4200, lost a fraction of a lb, and it listed my maintance that week as around 3750. I'm just not understanding this