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    Can’t do a single pushup

    @fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Then you need to regress. Wall, countertop, stairs, something on an incline.
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    Can’t do a single pushup

    @fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Getting off the ground is irrelevant when doing negatives. Slow the negatives down. Do isometric hold at top, middle, and just before the ground.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @skillz Eggs are an easy/fast way to bulk up protein. Not sure you're tolerance, but Fairlife makes a low sugar protein shake. I don't remember what's special about this brand, but it might be reducing the lactose. I've been unsuccessful so far learning to bake with protein powders. I'm gluten...
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    Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

    @indent Just doing calorie restriction to lose weight will result in loss of muscle. Better to start lifting, prioritize protein in your nutrition, and lose weight slowly.
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @gailsie Yeah. That might be where you have to settle for some time each week walking in parks or other 'green way' type spaces. Then plan some hiking weekends.
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    @droxy Take back vs goblet squat. 2 variations of squat. Try both, get video so you can check your form.
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    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    @gailsie Instead of exercise (exercise=punishment), find activities that get you moving that you enjoy. Hiking, Frisbee golf, sports, martial arts, just some examples.
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    @droxy You might want to start slower, pick fewer exercises each day. Work on learning the main movement patterns, form is most important.
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    @droxy The plan you have looks fine to get started and make progress. I would suggest eventually incorporating more free weights (over machines) and more single sided lifts, both of these force more stability muscles to be recruited. And are more functional movement patterns.
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    @droxy Are you tracking how much weight you're lifting? And increasing the weight? Progressive overload to build muscle.
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    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @daniel4confusion Pilates is a great starting place for hEDS. You'll get core strength and increase proprioception (body and posture awareness in space). There is an EDS subreddit. And a few hEDS trainers and PT on Instagram.
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    Non-Food Socializing Ideas

    @lena_the_lena Board games and other tabletop games (ttrpgs).
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    New to thread! Excited to hear everyone’s thoughts

    @galinavot How often do you weigh, and do you track your cycle with these values? Monthly fluctuations are normal as the hormones change/cycle, and you get more fluid retention.
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    Is there a “Caroline Girvan” of Yoga or Pilates on YouTube?

    @snugz I like Charlie Follows for yoga and Jessica Valant for pilates.