Can’t do a single pushup

@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Do negatives for a while. Lay chest flat on the ground and push yourself up. It’s half a push up and can give you the feeling of pushing with tendons. Try and rest the weight on your wrists gently and breath out when pushing
@maqs You described doing only the concentric phase. A negative or eccentric would be only the lowering. Negatives are good for hypertrophy, and induce less overall fatigue. Which is why they're used as a standalone progression as well as an alteration for the full movement when you slow them down for a "controlled eccentric".
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Bench press. Incline and decline benching. Use dumbbells if you can’t use the bar. YouTube some chest workouts with dumbbells you can do anywhere. Get your arms used to moving together simultaneously so you can mimicking the movements in push up position. Strengthen your wrists get them used to being stretched out. Good videos on yupeube for that as well.