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    What can I do when I’m young to keep healthy when I’m older?

    @deseret I feel you! Alcoholism runs through my family and I have emotional scars from someone else's addiction. I don't drink, sans the very rare occasion I might take a sip of my husband's drink, which he also rarely does. I personally HATE the taste of alcohol and the culture surrounding it...
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    What can I do when I’m young to keep healthy when I’m older?

    @dawn16 My Grandpa is 86. He has farm animals that he tends to all day, every day. He's a horse trainer. He still cleans out his horses stalls on his own. He can load and unload his horses from the trailers. Feeds them, waters them. Tends to his cattle, chickens, goats, etc. He's done this...
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    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @junarklein If it WAS sarcasm, it failed dearly with his added, "I know some women who would agree with this. Which kinda muddies the water." The later half is giving validation to the OP's comment. There's no defending that, even IF his intention was humor. There's a line you don't cross...
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    How long can it take to see significant improvement in cardio endurance?

    @kmar123 Depending on the intensity of your class, how well you know the moves, and whether or not you're properly controlling your breathing. Do you notice if maybe you're exerting yourself more, as you've gotten used to the movements? If I'm familiar and have memorized a routine I can go...
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    Natacha Oceane programs

    @godislove614 Have you checked the xxfitness subreddit? She has been brought up constantly in the past and at some point, there was a thread of at home workout reviews during early COVID that might have her stuff reviewed there. I would search the sub for past threads and if you don't find what...
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    Hemp V Whey V Casein V Soy V Pea

    @rickyrixon84 I stopped whey because I suspected it was one of the causes for this strange acne, I never had before. I also wanted something "more natural" and besides, whey and my stomach aren't friends. So I started trying plant based. I liked Orgain, Kashi Dark Chocolate, and Vega. Then I...
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    Need Help With Goals, Time Frame And Calories

    @klf45 What is your diet like? You can get a good bit of food for 2,250 calories if you're eating fresh produce/lean meats/fish/whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta -- has more protein and fiber than white rice/pasta which can help with satiety.) Are you eating 2,250 calories and...
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    Nutrition/Appetite help?!

    @smitty1038 So I can't really go any further without knowing your routine, the duration, how many calories you're eating, how many are you eating back from burned, and your height. I'm just aiming in the dark and making assumptions below: Your TDEE may be off or your tracking is off. Are you...
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    Nutrition/Appetite help?!

    @smitty1038 If you have a menstrual cycle, the weight gain could be from where you're at in your cycle. Could also be water weight from being new to workingout. It's also possible that you're eating more than you think. Some people have an increase in appetite when they workout and end up...