Hemp V Whey V Casein V Soy V Pea


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I’m trying to find a protein powder to use to lose weight combined with a diet and work out plan. I’m very new to this and so I’m asking for help. I would like something with the least amount of chemicals as possible. I’m reading hemp has a lot of fat but good in other areas, etc etc. This is super overwhelming and I was wondering if anyone out there had any tips. I’m looking to slim down, which would be best for a woman?
@rickyrixon84 Whatever you do, anything but casein. Casein is known to feed cancer cells in mice. It isn't carcinogenic in the sense that it causes cancer, but rather it is cancer-promoting in that if you have ever been exposed to carcinogens (and who hasn't) casein will increase the chance of those precancerous cells growing into cancer. This has been demonstrated through multiple peer-reviewed studies in mice/rats.

If you are going to go with animal-based, choose whey over casein. It has been used in humans extensively for a long time so there is some trackrecord to say that it is safe for this use.

Don't listen to other posters saying that whey and casein > plant-based proteins, this has been demonstrated by scientific peer-reviewed studies that there is no difference in muscle gain between animal and plant based proteins. You will have the same results with plant-based.

Honestly the type of protein you are using probably doens't matter all that much beyond that, but I definitely would go with a brand that tests for cadmium and other heavy metals in their products. All protein powders (animal and plant based both) have some heavy metals in them, the heavy metals come from cars and other pollutants that settle in the soil. The plants then pick up those pollutants, and since cattle are the main consumers of soy and corn all of the protein powders are the market have some level of heavy metals in them. Since some soils are less polluted than others it is advisable to find a company that tests for these levels in their products to ensure they are relatively low.

Also make sure the macros are reasonable, obviously. I wouldn't eat anything that has less than 20g of protein and more than 200 calories. If you are cutting or trying to lose weight I might even try to find something even leaner than that.

Edit to add: the protein powder I use is Kos, it is made from a blend of peas and quinoa and other plants, it also has probiotics and tastes great, the macros are good as well, 160 calories and 20g of protein. I have been using it for a while. They also have a recipe book for free, you can make pancakes out of it and brownies, the brownies taste great, even my boyfriend who doesn't even lift likes them. I like that all of the ingredients are just normal food stuff like quinoa and peas, no weird artifical ingredients. Fair disclosure, I am vegan, so I am partial to plant-based options, but I have used whey in the past and it is safe and fine, often it is the cheapest option and you can probably find some in the bulk section of your grocery store for less than a buck a pound and make your own protein drinks. Just don't drink casein, please. Even whey protein powders have a small amount of casein in them but nothing is worse than drinking just straight casein, casein is what is in foods like cheese and cottage cheese, it is what gives cheese the clumpy thickness. Drinking casein is like drinking cheese (but without the fat so it won't even taste good).

Good luck OP.
@rickyrixon84 I stopped whey because I suspected it was one of the causes for this strange acne, I never had before. I also wanted something "more natural" and besides, whey and my stomach aren't friends.

So I started trying plant based. I liked Orgain, Kashi Dark Chocolate, and Vega. Then I read an article (after I spent like $20on Vega) that a lot of organic/plant based failed lead testing and other stuff. So I tried looking up the name brands on examine/lab but can't find them (could be user error) and from the article, Vega failed pretty bad. I haven't purchased anything since, but I do miss having a shake for breakfast. Anyway, point is, try to look up a brand you may be interested in on examine or labdoor (SP??)
@rickyrixon84 I chose pea protein because I hate the taste of whey protein, it didn't matter what flavour salted caramel, oreo, chocolate brownie all of it was vomit inducing so I just mix pea protein into a glass or orange, the taste is masked perfectly by the orange.
@rickyrixon84 They all have their pros and cons.

If you’re doing a plant based protein like hemp, pea, or rice, I strongly suggest to check the PDCAAS of it. Most plant based proteins are not complete on their own and need to be mixed but not all protein supplements do that and they are ineffective on their own and somewhat of a waste of money.

Personally, I always stick to whey isolate or a plant based mix (Sun Warrior or Orgain). They are easy for me to digest, taste good, and are widely available. But it all depends on what fits your diet and lifestyle. If you’re looking for something more natural I can recommend the unflavored Sun Warrior or an unflavored and unsweetened whey protein would be easy to find. Don’t expect anything like that to taste good though and will probably be better in a shake than to drink it plain.
@rickyrixon84 I have no idea what is "best," but I use Orgain pea protein to replace my breakfast. I find it tasty, it sits well on my stomach, and I've seen good results. Try out different samples or brands if you are curious, and find what works for you. It is certainly overwhelming but I would guess that, on the margins, there is little difference--don't overthink it. Just be consistent with your overall calorie and protein intake.
@maredaydivine How do you eat the pea protein? I've tried a couple kinds in smoothies (like how I'd use whey protein) and it's just gross. I'd love to find a way to use the two bags that are languishing in my kitchen!
@isang I think Orgain's flavored powders taste good just with a bit of almond milk, but maybe that's just me. I don't do anything fancy. I've tried quite a bit of flavors and honestly like them all.
@maredaydivine Hmm okay. I'm pretty sensitive to artificial sweeteners so I usually stick to unflavored powders and add in my own flavors like fruit. Maybe that's my issue.
@rickyrixon84 Does it need to be protein shake? Fat free Greek yoghurt (see if you can find Fage 0%) has a lot of protein for fairly few calories and zero artifical ingredients. But it tastes awful to me personally so I add some honey and berries.
@rickyrixon84 Agreed, get some samples and see which one(s) you like best and work best for your body. They’re all about the same at the end of the day. I’ve used them all with similar results re:fatloss. Whey is the most commonly used if you want somewhere to start.
@rickyrixon84 If you know some brand names, you can search their website and see if they sell sample sizes or packs.

Also, many health stores sell sample sizes. (If you’re in the USA, try Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Whole Foods, etc.)
@rickyrixon84 How heavily will you be relying on this protein shake? Are we talking about supplemental pre/post workout shake or meal replacement? I’ve only experienced whey and honestly I don’t even use protein powder anymore because I get everything I need through my meals. You may want to see if you can get samples for each and see what your body reacts best to. Supplements get overwhelming so don’t over think it too much.

Edit: to add that hemp may be good for a keto or carb cycle type diet if it’s higher in fats. Not sure what your nutrition plan is. Happy to help in any way possible!
@mysteria I was thinking post workout, so not too heavily. It’s just easier to make a shake than to go and cook something. I used to use a protein powder when I was in a fitness boot camp and since I would go at 5am this was a great prebreakfast/post workout thing and I lost a bit of weight. BUT I wasn’t happy about all the chemicals it had.

Though, you’re probably right, it maybe came mostly from drinking so much water and being super active every day more so than the shakes. Still, I’m looking for one that would work for me when I’m in a rush. Where would I even find samples? 🤔
@rickyrixon84 Maybe look into Nkd (naked) Nutrition powders. I hear they don’t taste all that great but are apparently “more natural”. As far as samples go, you can contact the company via IG or email, hit up a GNC, or go to fitness expos. Sometimes on IG you can find brand reps always trying to give away samples and discounts.

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