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  1. K

    CrossFit culture…

    @benjames711 Agree with this; my 6:15am is friendly and people are just there to have a good workout. The people at the 5:15pm class are intimidating beasts—not saying they aren’t nice, just definitely in way better shape and much more competitive than I am.
  2. K

    DEXA Results 32, 5”3, 131 lbs, 34.9% BF

    @yishae For what it’s worth, I would never look at those pictures and think “oh, she looks like she’s almost 35% body fat.” At. All. That said, you now have the knowledge and you can move forward from here! I think tracking is a great idea, particularly the craft beers. Start by just logging...
  3. K

    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @cz1611 I typically distrust the “majority” of any group; there’s a lot of privilege and group-think that goes into being in the majority of something (most of the time). Instead, I try to know individuals and if that individual is a dude who thinks or acts this way, then that is not a...
  4. K

    DEXA + RMR test results for a 5'9" 32F 136ish lb female

    @rapturetheory Holy hell, woman, how could you ever look at those abs and estimate 25% body fat? 💪 On a more serious note, how do you mentally feel about your adherence to tracking food? Is it something that you have learned to live it, enjoy it, find yourself eating the same things over and...
  5. K

    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @tim_h Fucking touché, this comment slays me 😂