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  1. G

    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @dawn16 Got it last year around October
  2. G

    Update: felt like shit, went to doctor. Not dying

    @chole Yeah they didn’t tell me either but I read up on high dose vitamin d and began supplementing with magnesium. I also eat a lot of vitamin k rich food already. As for the rest of my nutrition, it could use some work. Admittedly, it’s been hard to keep up with it when I didn’t want to be...
  3. G

    Update: felt like shit, went to doctor. Not dying

    @cmw1994 No idea why it got me. I was living in Florida up until May of last year and then moved to Georgia and probably spent even more time outdoors until about 3 months ago when it got cold.
  4. G

    Update: felt like shit, went to doctor. Not dying

    Original: Fatigue for a year. Couldn’t get through a golf lesson without getting gassed. Went for a physical and got labs done. Everything was normal except for low vitamin D. Value was at least half of what it should be. Currently on 50,000iu...
  5. G

    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    I’m a few months away from 40 and my god I’m feeling it. It must have come on gradually, but I became acutely aware about a year ago that my body was not recovering like it used to. I can barely muster the energy for an hour golf lesson or a few sets of tennis, let alone weightlifting or cardio...