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    New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!

    @mynameisjeff Yes going hard at the start is a death sentence
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    Beginner Need Help With Tracking Workouts/Progression

    @mjr3859 The most common mistake almost every beginner makes is going all out too hard too fast and by week 3 you're burnt out and dont have time for anything that you liked previously as you have made a 180 u-turn from doing other stuff to only working out. That is why 2-3 workouts a week is...
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    Beginner Need Help With Tracking Workouts/Progression

    @mjr3859 You input weight and amount of reps per set or am I misunderstanding something? Though as a beginner going 6 days a week is a mistake imo, 2-3 workouts a week is recommended
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    100k pushups, 50k situps tracker

    @omerb I did a 30 day 100/day push up challenge a few years ago, it was like 3 months in after I started working out and I was extremely sore lol
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    100k pushups, 50k situps tracker

    @omerb That's 273.9 push ups a day, sounds really hard. U got this 😁 Edit: 273.2 a day, forgot about feb 29 this year 😂
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    Workout plan

    @kflip Losing weight is diet and i recommend myfitnesspal and just input your weight height and activity level and follow the apps instructions on how much to eat. It is free
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    Can anybody help me out?

    @mummyoftwogirls No idea about websites, its different in all countries
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    Can anybody help me out?

    @mummyoftwogirls If you can afford weights then go for it, also get a pullup bar
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    I started working out a month ago, but I am gaining weight instead of loosing

    @mrnarthex Track calories in an app and be truthful. Most people overeat
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    How does this routine look for just starting out?

    @keohay I suggest a 3 day full body routine