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  1. W

    Need help with health and lifestyle intervention for my 70 y.o. mother

    @shyhelpless I'm going to throw this on you. I agree with /@colouredcoat , it's hard at that age, they have to want to. You and your brother live across the country. You can say you will miss her, but to her eyes, she doesn't see you anyway. So what is she hanging around for? If you...
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    Tree farmer seeking advice on how to not fall apart

    @chibimaddy Yes it is. Just do it. I recently did a 65 lb drop, and I'm just a few years younger than you. You will feel much better. You haven't given height, so I will assume that 150 is a good weight for you. Sounds a bit light to me to be schlepping maples, but your call. The biggest...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx I will go a different direction here. You are a fit guy. 80% of your clients are female, many in pretty good shape. Now way back in the dark ages of 80s Let's get physical era, I used to teach an aerobics class. I was about 25 and most of my class a little older and all female. I...
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    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @rylez98 Thanks for the link, I didn't know that sub. Maybe we can start a fitness50+ sub, but how many of us are there? I'm looking for any data I can get.
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    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @rylez98 I'm thinking about doing some writing on it. That's one of the reasons I'm asking, I need more data points. A little fyi, I didn't lift 20+ years (and cumulative damage kind of scares me). I did 35 years flying a desk. I put on weight slowly and steadily and got the whole "western...
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    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @rylez98 This is great testimony. A question if you please: You imply that you have worked out pretty regularly for some years. What differences do you see as you have gotten older, and have you modified the recommended routines to accommodate? In particular you talk about fewer training...
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @afraidoftheend Could be dehydration, could be alcohol related. I drink about 1.5 liters of pre/during workout drink and I've just started adding gatorade for electrolytes, we'll see how that goes. My doctor thinks it could be peripheral vascular disease, but it's not bad enough to warrant...
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @afraidoftheend JJ my brother! We gotta share some war stories of gym work for the over 60 crowd. I just got into a little over 3 hears ago. Dropped 65, and while I'm not as cut as you obviously are (woah) but damn does it feel good! I wanted to comment on two things you mentioned above...