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    I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

    @lisarose001 haha wow that is so true and terrible, but I can just laugh. All the crossfit SJWs came out in full force to that thread. I appreciate the optimism that nobody would cheat but there are cheaters in every sport. Through my 8 years of crossfit, I see the below average to average...
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    Chris Hinshaw AMA

    @inthefathershouse Here
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    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @marwils Start lifting and doing resistance training 3-5x a week. Composition will shift.
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    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @marwils It’s not personal, just a fact and why your reading is higher than expected.
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    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @marwils Seems right. You have no muscle.
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    Meet Devin Ford, 7 Time Regional Competitor

    @beriah09 nor a single handstand pushup
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    19.3, an owner’s ignorance, and a culture of cheating

    @will8764 First, shame on those saying it's an "acceptable mistake". It's cheating, there is no way around it. it doesn't matter if they are games athletes or overweight moms, the owner is promoting a terrible culture that says "you don't have to do it the right way". Shame on him or her. I...
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @durantis Layne recently went on a podcast w Peter Attia and they talked about certain topics where their opinions had changed
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    FANTASY REGIONALS WEEK 1: South + East Regionals
