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  1. C

    Six months ago I found r/BWF and calisthenics - wanted to share my progress! (32/M)

    @hunterfl It’s the best. With so many alternative workouts, you can always change it up if ones bugs you. Jump in!
  2. C

    Six months ago I found r/BWF and calisthenics - wanted to share my progress! (32/M)

    @liturgynerd Form is my #1. I have an athletic frame, build muscle quick and was coming back from a long time off. My before numbers were low because of atrophy post injury. Also, I busted my ass. I totalled 110 workouts in 180 days, averaging 75 - 105 min per.
  3. C

    Six months ago I found r/BWF and calisthenics - wanted to share my progress! (32/M)

    @leestone79 More studied supplement there is! Super safe and effective. Convince him!
  4. C

    Six months ago I found r/BWF and calisthenics - wanted to share my progress! (32/M)

    @welldoneministry Day by day - newbie gains come fast in the first couple months. Have fun!
  5. C

    Six months ago I found r/BWF and calisthenics - wanted to share my progress! (32/M)

    TL;DR: Lost 10 lbs. Pullups went from 3x2 to 10x8. Dips went from 3x5 to 10x8 (+35lbs). Push ups from 10 max to 30+. Got off of CBD for anxiety. Fell in love with calisthenics. Before/After Pictures: Hey BWF! As the year winds down, I wanted to share my short journey in calisthenics so far...