Six months ago I found r/BWF and calisthenics - wanted to share my progress! (32/M)

@cow_boy I have to wonder about the form on some of these exercises...numbers seem a bit too good to be true over such a short period of time. Good on you definitely just don’t be cheating yourself, quality over quantity.
@liturgynerd Form is my #1. I have an athletic frame, build muscle quick and was coming back from a long time off. My before numbers were low because of atrophy post injury.

Also, I busted my ass. I totalled 110 workouts in 180 days, averaging 75 - 105 min per.
@cow_boy This is great! Hats off on the progress. As someone who is injury prone, I really appreciate your post and recovery. I had 2 ACLs reconstruction surgeries :( one in 2017 and the last one Sept 2020 :-/ was nervous about clots too.

As I'm still recovering, I was looking into calisthenics and specifically some muscle building, especially since I can't hike or climb for a few months and gyms are mostly closed.
@dahager3049 I’m not necessarily doing that set count every workout, that’s just a new max. I’ll often do heavier vest and 5 sets instead, for example.

Also, I stack workouts doing rests and my leg/ab circuit only take 10-20 min a piece.
@cow_boy Were you plant based before you started your routine or after? I’ve gone plant based for IBS/potential Crohn’s (my mother had it and I have some stomach issues) and feel great. But if there’s body composition changes that come along with it that would be awesome.
@lekanfoye123 I’ve been plant based for 8+ years. It’s only slightly harder to eat shitty than being omni. I focus on fruits a lot. I can eat as much as I want, and then usually only have one big meal a day.

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