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    Beginner routine question

    @jayisscott Pilates is great for beginners. It's primarily body weight calisthenic-type exercises, and it's easy enough to do at home, or take classes at the gym.
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    Doubt about protein intake

    @tyler82 I eat beef and/or pork every day and I hit my protein goals without powders. It's easier on your stomach to get your protein from food instead of shakes or bars and you won't get the same kind of digestive upset. Don't underestimate the power of eggs, cheese (if you tolerate it), and...
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    What’s been your biggest barrier?

    @thebrittschmitt My biggest hurdle is fibromyalgia. I have it mostly under control through diet changes, but it doesn't hesitate to force me into a deload week if I accidentally "overtrain". Putting that in quotes because I don't have any real signs of overtraining like excessive fatigue...
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    Anybody else into fitness but also chronically ill?

    @starlight1983 Yup! I'm a beginner (starting at the gym again after a 3 year hiatus) and I have to remind myself every single day that even though I'm strong and getting newbie gains, I still have to humble myself with the level of activity I can handle or else I'm going to be laid out for a week.
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @dcd You need fat to produce hormones, so a low fat diet results in low sex hormones and steroid production. You also need fat for fat soluble vitamin absorption such as A, D, E, and K.
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @delizzle Lift heavy, and eat more protein. Aim for about 0.5-1 grams of protein per pound of your body weight every day, and at least 50 grams of fat for healthy hormones. Since you're wanting to bulk (gain weight) eat in a calorie surplus.
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    Is it true that if you are overweight you shouldn’t run?

    @ka__f Getting good at walking fast consistently is a great workout. Improving posture, strengthening the core, shins, and calf muscles will go a long way before running.
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    Lunges as a big guy

    @robertbelmes I just wanted to say that I'm a skinny person and I'm also struggling with lunges. Hurts my knees and my balance is just not great. I'd love some general tips for getting lunges to not suck