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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @smokingjoepot Bad shoulders, you say? Please do this next video.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @smokingjoepot Physiologically you can't fully relax the shoulders in a deadhang unless you have RC issues - the RC will always fire and maintain tension.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dawn16 I don't know - my shoulders close too much so I still use it until I build up the active flexibility. From there I would go one of two places: windshield wipers or even full circular leg raises (feet make a giant circle) hip lift from hanging V to inverted hang (basically unfolding...
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dawn16 I like the term "hanging V raise" if you want to differentiate the two. No big deal though. The term "toes to bar" irks me me though because most people end up looking like Wendler in that picture there - where its a raise to parallel and then the shoulders to the rest of the work
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dawn16 Hanging Leg Raises to parallel is a Convict Conditioning invention. Everyone that has not read that book believes an HLR to be to the bar. Old Coach Sommer article Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 (note the bad flexibility here :))
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @mukask Toes to Bar is a Crossfit name for hanging leg raises
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @wildcatjim2014 Can you make the videos expand inline like RES does?
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dawn16 Active flexibility is just flexibility under your own muscular power. It is a combination of strength and passive flexibility. L-sits are probably the king of active flexibility here. This exercise is useful for the same thing, and can be done almost anywhere (plus, it helps with...
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @godsprincess22 If your L-sit is solid and at 90 degrees, then it could be that your shoulder girdle isn't flexible enough, and you're trying to maintain the legs parallel to the floor while the torso is all out of whack - essentially meaning you need to hold a V-sit, and are bending the legs to...
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @godsprincess22 This is lack of active flexibility. How's your l-sit?
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    V-sit hold 1 minute press to handstand

    @unsu Yes. Post how you train
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    V-sit hold 1 minute press to handstand

    @unsu What is diamond press handstand?
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    V-sit hold 1 minute press to handstand

    @unsu Holy shit