Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

@dazzle102475 It think so. The thumb position isn't terribly important for these though. Whenever I do them on thinner bar (like the men's metal bar) I wrap my thumbs around, but standard technique on the women's uneven bars is to thumbs on the same side.
@smokingjoepot Hi, do your shoulders clik when you come up from a dead hang? From the video it seems that they make a little "jump" as soon as you start to pull. My left shoulder does this sort of clik during L pullups and I'm just curious.

Excellent videos, form is inspirational.
@righty Same as ishitcongeguns, once I began practicing handstands and strengthened my shoulders I stopped having that kind of clicking or popping feeling going into/out of a dead hang.
@smokingjoepot When I do L Sits with my feet together, I feel a pop in my hip/lower back when I return my legs to a neutral position. Sometimes it hurts, a lot.

How detrimental is it to do L Sits/Pull ups with my feet hip width apart?
@smokingjoepot Nice set of videos. I love doing L Pull Ups, but V Pull Ups are beyond me.

Can you give me and this subreddit some insight into what your training program is like? Training philosophy?

I'd been doing Foundation One but Straddle V-Ups exposed a weakness in my glutes that caused a back injury which I'm still trying to get over.
@peakdixon Currently my training is geared towards competitive gymnastics. I know I have more details buried deep in my comment history somewhere, so I'll try to dig that up for you if I get a chance instead of rewriting it.
@smokingjoepot Cool- I'll do some detective work too. I have been training Capoeira since I was about 25 and then, at the ripe old age of 34, I realized I wanted to tumble. From their I found the rings and since then it's been the painful but awesome process of becoming a gymnast. I'm still experimenting around with different workout techniques (and I still can't do a muscle up), but without many other adults to train with I try to figure out as much as I can myself and learn from others.
@smokingjoepot Great videos! Question on hanging leg lifts. Is it ok to lean my upper body back in order to get my toes to touch the bar or is that cheating? I feel like I'm not flexible or strong enough to do without the lean back.