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    Strong Curves book promotes a woman who's 5'8 and 115 lbs as clients' "ideal" body. Is the weight estimate just off?

    @ezra21 That just seems wrong. Jessica Beil is a major body crush for me, partially because she doesn't look 115 lbs at 5 ft 8. She looks much more muscular and unapologetically substantial.
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    Musings my s/o overheard from a trainer

    @haldog True, and I know a few who fit that description, but most people who study kinesiology, physical therapy, dietetics, sports medicine, or a related field, will have at least a basic understanding of how things like fat loss and muscle building work.
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    Musings my s/o overheard from a trainer

    @prinkills9 I hate this shit. I am seriously starting to think a person shouldn't be able to get a training cert without at least an associates in a related science. I'm not even a degree snob. I never finished mine and I do pretty damn well for myself. I just can't believe the lack of...
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    My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

    @amydoodles I can tell you right now, that it will not be that much higher, unless it is wildly inaccurate. I've had hydrostatic when I was around 27-29% body fat. Since that point, I've taken up lifting, and completely changed my diet. Even with my now vastly increased muscle mass, I am a good...
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    Day in the life of Ernestine Shepherd (77 y/I bodybuilder)

    @charger2012 I saw this earlier today... So, so awesome.
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    Progress Pics (5'6, 103lb => 128lb)

    @jayden_jay This is so awesome. Thank you for sharing.
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    My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

    @amydoodles PS- I hope that didn't come off as nasty... It wasn't meant to, and I am curious what my DEXA results would be... I just know my body, and what it looked like at around 27% body fat. I have friends who have a flat tummy, and look generally slim, at body fat levels over 30%. I...
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    My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

    @ruky That really depends on who is using them, and if they know what they are doing. The stupid machines at the gym are wildly inaccurate, and the online calculators are horrid. Anyway, inaccurate or not, I also know what I look like at 27%+ body fat, because that's where I was when I got a...
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    Was this one of you ladies? (X-post from /r/funny)

    @causticwolf This is awesome.
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    My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

    @amydoodles Hey! Thought I'd respond back, as I was looking through things, and came across this again... I did my DEXA, and I am at 21% body fat, with almost no visceral fat. Mirroring your edited comments, different fat levels definitely look very different on different people, and it is...
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    My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

    @amydoodles I really want to get one of these done. I am also jealous, because at 27%, you look fan-freaking-tastic. My body just doesn't look like that, even at a much lower body fat (I'm 5 ft tall, 112ish, lbs, with a caliper measurement around 19%). If I get to 27%, I have a large belly, and...
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    Was this one of you ladies? (X-post from /r/funny)

    @causticwolf Just found out that they are both in Philadelphia and are CrossFitters at 215 (thought they looked familiar). Unfortunately, this was staged.
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    Strong Curves book promotes a woman who's 5'8 and 115 lbs as clients' "ideal" body. Is the weight estimate just off?

    @trueservantofthemosthigh Ha. So true. Even one of the coaches at my gym just underestimated my weight by 10 lbs.
  14. N

    So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

    @biblicalquality I don't think either of these women are bulky. They have awesome bodies and I would love to look like that. Honestly, as long as it's muscle, I don't care if I put on some bulk. I'm built like a tiny wrecking ball and most of the time I'm pretty happy with that. That said...