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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @solokwa it doesn't says 4-6 exercises it says 4-6 working set. back in day i was also doing doing more but nowdays 3-6 feels very good and i am not feeling like missing out anything
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    Full RoM or heavier squat

    @bort what is your goal? a quad killing move? sure go for partials(paralel i mean with that) if wanna finish ass,adductors and quads at once? go deep
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @786man sooner or later you gonna hurt yourself with this bro reduce daily volume per muscle 3-6 sets. remove dealift from pull day, i would remove one of rows also and put a pull up alternative instead of second row. 10 sets of squats at day looks too much and meanigless just do 3 sets normal...
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @maxmillianmichieli aah i checked more carefully. it looks fine and doing this once a week won't hurt anyone. however if you care your back maybe u should look for train it 2 times per week
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @786man are you doing this 2 times a week?
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    Help me fix this pull day

    @maxmillianmichieli throw pull overs awway. and set vertical pulls total 6 sets. and u can but lower back work at leg days
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    Rate my Workout

    joking aside this program has no need too much volume. has nearly no super or giant sets. try work each muscle 10-12 set weekly and 3-6 daily
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    Rate my Workout

    @musicpainter21 10+ sets for chest. who are you buddy? arnold? u really not need 9 sets of biceps in a day
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @lovely_krystal86 thats all about how intense you do at first. if you go all out at first set there is chance u can't do evne a rep in second one
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    Higher frequency less sets?

    @prodigal1 3-6 sets per day and 10-12 sets weekly. u can use it in way you want bro maybe just 2 days will overload your tendonds or you gonna get bored doing 3-4 times a week. try and figure out most of things doesn't makes big changes at gains
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    Is this split any good? PPL x Arnold

    @lchelling1029 no. get a proper program for your level bro most of volume you do is meaningless probably
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef decrease curls total 6 set per day. u already used them at all compounds. and well maybe cut 1-2 sets from rows and u will be mostly fine. however wouldn't recomend start with bent over row if there any chest supported variton possible
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    Is this overkill?

    @azfara dude. abs like any other muscle group no need hammering them with all of that 5 2x times a week. 21 set per chest is lot u can remove one of isolations in both of days. u can make lat raise 4 set and remove dumbell one. and u really not need front raise. 16 set direct biceps work also...
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    How long do you rest for in between sets?

    @distantthoughts 2-3. if you not get tired from isolations just super set them.
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    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @mariajo rdl,still leg deadlift, good mornings for back side, front and back squats and if no rack barbell hack squat,bugarian split squat,lunge,pistol squat
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    What are your favorite types of sets?

    @orthodox_christian well if u decied like that yes. but i preffer 3-4 set and 6-10,8-12 or 10-15.
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    What are your favorite types of sets?

    @orthodox_christian evolving rep range, same weight every set but reducing sets. logic behind of that is each set reduces ur baseline and like this u can stay close to failure with same weight