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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @aachen_hexagon You need to slow way down. The easiest way to Zone 2 for people who just want Zone 2 benefit is a stationary bike. Running is strenuous for most people who don’t do it a lot. You’re bigger, too, so just by that it will be more strenuous. You need super flat ground, and if...
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    Cardio gains w/o running. I hate to ask the question that’s asked every day but I hope my added wrinkle makes it unique

    @childofgod418 Is it hot, humid or both? I used to do 5-6 mile runs in Singapore before work. I’d lose pounds of water that had to be replaced but I was fine. Talking ~100 degrees and absurdly humid.
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @jadex Without heat and humidity at those speeds I’d be pretty solid mid Zone 2. I do a 5 miler a few times a week at about 10 min miles that’s at the higher end of Zone 2. I struggled really hard to get there. Also a bigger guy (215) but a long time runner and lover of running. When I was...
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @jadex 170-185 is Zone 4 for me. When I do Murph I can guarantee I’m in Zone 4 for most of it, btw.
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    Box Owners, please monitor your “contact us” mailboxes and forms

    @akoto The problem here is some of us have all but done away with it. Reddit is literally my last bastion of social media. FB, Insta, etc…all are gone. Why have a “contact us” if not contactable? Or, if a business wants to use an online presence their advantage then they could be very...
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @jadex Dude, I do a lot of HR training and I went for a run the other day while on a work trip…5+ mile of really humid heat in Dallas and yeah, I could hold a convo running 10-11 minute miles, but I had my HRM and was legit 160+ bpm. I have a higher than average max for my age and like OP can...