Cardio gains w/o running. I hate to ask the question that’s asked every day but I hope my added wrinkle makes it unique

@childofgod418 Yeah any of the machines are going to help your engine. But you can have the same problem I do because of it where running doesn’t necessarily hurt your lungs and heart rate. But your legs and feet just won’t be used to hitting the ground.
@childofgod418 I did a workout I named Ergathon every day for 3 months over winter. I started doing it as a warmup but just kept doing it because I liked it. I noticed about 6 weeks in my engine started to really develop (I’ve been doing CF for 8 years so changes in my performance aren’t frequent). 10 weeks in some workouts felt like a joke. It takes about 20 minutes but requires little to no warmup.
3 Rounds
500m Ski Erg
500m Row Erg
1000m Bike Erg
@plentyofpaper Well a guy at my gym would do acid bath once a week and he asked me what my time was. I told him I HATE sprint work as we all naturally do and jokingly said I’d rather do acid bath 3x slow than one time max effort. The main reason for switching machines is that doing a 5k row or 10k bike just causes your butt to hurt from those damn seats. Changing the machine ever 500/1000 fixes that issue but gives you the same stimulus.

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