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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @londonmum I should wash your mouth out with soap!
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    Deadlift alternative - avoid back pain

    @dakool It's unlikely that your height or age have anything to do with your lower back pain. Your technique may be the issue.
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    What Metrics Do You Care About and Why?

    @namaoza How much I can lift (squat/bench/deads/dips/pullups). How my pants fit. How I look in a t-shirt. How my wife thinks I look naked. How many bags of groceries I can carry in one trip. How hard it is to keep up with my son. How I sleep.
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    Deadlift alternative - avoid back pain

    @dakool Why is a conventional deadlift out of the question? Your age has nothing to do with it and taller people are generally better suited to conventional.
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro Unless you have a major and specific issue that would significantly increase the risk of injury, then the risk vs reward argument is generally a pissweak cop out and should be ignored. When utilised correctly, both squats and deadlifts carry little risk and offer a lot in return...
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    Deadlift alternative - avoid back pain

    @bandan You don't have to do deadlifts of they're not working for you right now. Any other sort of hip hinge will do. However, the fact that you used to be able to do them without issue definitely suggest that you should go and see a decent sports physio (not just a GP or general pop physio) and...
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    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @prestonmcghee It's only downhill if you're letting yourself go downhill.