Deadlift alternative - avoid back pain

@bandan Try dumbbell Romanian deadlifts; focus on form, not weight. Keep the back straight, hinge at hips. Good for lower back, less strain. Also, consider glute bridges for strength. Check form videos online. Stay safe!
@bandan Make sure to stretch your hamstrings and piriformis muscles. The pain from deadlifting might be posterior chain tightness from exercising it not strain of the actual back muscles under load. Also if it is strain in your back it can come from insufficient range of motion in your hips during the movement forcing your back to take on more of the change in angle than it should.
@bandan I just had this same problem so I went to trainer. He said I can’t immediately go back to lifting what I used to lift when I was in shape. Start with very low weight like bar only or 10lbs each side then do 3 sets of 15 reps SLOWLY so you have time under tension. Do this for 3 months before you add weight. This may be too extreme for you but the point is to start slowly before you push yourself. Also he has me doing 10 minutes of treadmill walk as warm up and dynamic stretching.
@bandan I do low weight high rep deadlift with proper form and braced core. Slow eccentric. Then after each set I hang on the pull up bar to decompress after each set.

One thing I started doing that’s helped with my low back issues is banded crab walks. 3 sets of 10 each way. Band above the knee.

Then 3 sets of sec holds of seated figure 4 stretching on each side.
@pol1905 Groan.

He's only a single individual out of many, and he was never even a highly ranked WSM and had a mediocre deadlift for a WSM competitor. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure he has since walked back that statement after so many glassbacks leapt on it as an excuse.
@pol1905 Robert oberst has a shit deadlift for someone his size. It’s the one thing holding him back from actually being competitive like he wants to be. That’s why he hates it. It’s just someone going,”it’s a dumb lift anyways” when someone asks them why they are bad at it.
@blessedbyhim888 Hip hinge movement. That’s really it.

It can’t be loaded nearly as heavy and it’s a power movement. There’s overlap in musculature used, sure, but I believe it’s better for someone who isn’t training specifically to have a heavy deadlift. You still get the hip hinge movement with power training, with reduced risk of lower back injury.