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  1. C

    Workouts to get more muscles. Any suggestions?

    @4606 Yeah, high intensity is best if short on time. Look up some HIIT workouts you will surely see some results soon. Best of luck
  2. C

    How to get cut lean muscle?

    @mpaper345 Yes, in the beginning you will gain some muscles it's normal. Also if you are training for hypertrophy you will have different gains than if you train for endurance or other type of training.
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    Workouts to get more muscles. Any suggestions?

    @4606 If you are training for 10-15 minutes only, you need high intensity workout.
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    Is working out 2 hours too much?

    @padres1969 Firstly, yes your workout takes way too long and looking at you schedule I can see why. 1 hour is enough for optimal gains. Secondly, 14 exercise per workout is way too much, exercises are out of order, reps are out of order and everything is out of order. Way too many exercises per...
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    Is this allowed here? 26 F needing a routine I can do with minimal equipment

    @malek1986 Yes, 3-4 times a week is a great start. Do 5-10 minutes of warm-up before you exercise, reps/sets depend on how much weight you use (if high reps usually you have low weight), around 3-4 sets is fine as long as you have a variety of exercises. Here are some good/ effective exercises...
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    My Full Body Dumbbell workout

    @rely_942 Ah ok that makes more sense but still you don't have a lower body workout only the DL and squats. Missing muscle groups: all core muscles, some of the glutes, triceps, calfs, adductors/abductors, maybe the traps and the forearms. Yes I know some of the muscles are targeted but only as...
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    My Full Body Dumbbell workout

    @rely_942 Not sure if you are looking for advice or sharing the workout but seems you need some advice so I'll say the following. The warm up is not a warm up, warm up is 5-10 minutes of some dynamic movements or foam rolling or super low weight just to warm the muscles what you have there is...