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  1. L

    Dragon Door KB experience

    @larsan Oh man, thanks for sharing your experience! That’s rough way to have back turned on you after years of support. I retract comment on split not affecting most folks.
  2. L

    Dragon Door KB experience

    As OGs in the game, I would like to express my newfound support for Dragon Door. Think what you want about the DD & Pavel StrongFirst split, has no bearings on me and I suspect for most of you too. Back in 2007 I was introduced to KB training and the RKC trainer I worked with used Dragon...
  3. L

    The Kneesovertoesguy

    @19disciple44 To put it simply, there are ranges of flexion that become more and more unstable for any movement. You can train to the extreme range or stay within zone of stability. It all depends on your goals.