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  1. M

    What’s your workout schedule/routine?

    @rorypond Leading up to now: 531 either 4 or 3x/week templates and 4x/week conditioning, usually a calisthenic/kettlebell "metcon" Right now: 531 3x/week. Garmin half marathon program 4x/week. Sneak in a kettlebell "metcon" when I can. Near horizon: 531 2x/week, wrap up garmin half...
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    Giant 1.0 -> 1.2

    @learnandbloom Well I have one 85lb cast iron bell so I wouldn't actually be 2x40kg, just 2x85lb which doesn't sound nearly as cool in the kb community. Once I get the second one, I was thinking of just jumping right in, using push press. My thoughts is it would provide a good conditioning base...
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    Giant 1.0 -> 1.2

    @dawn16 Just giant and dfw. Got my eye on a few others but who knows where the training will go.
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    Would you give me your thoughts on my (probably overly complicated) KB program?

    @shkana Saying they are overrated is not the same as saying they have no value. Some people in the kb community think that you have to do them. I don't think there would be a major fitness component lost by excluding them from an otherwise well balanced routine.
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    Giant 1.0 -> 1.2

    @cor1348 That's a lot of reps my guy!
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    Giant 1.0 -> 1.2

    My pictures didn't upload. For any interested. My first workout I got 14 sets of 5 for 70 reps, my PR Was 17 sets of 7 for 119 reps.
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    Giant 1.0 -> 1.2

    I recently finished a run of Geoff Neupert's "The Giant". I ran through the program with 2x32kg bells and completed 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Just wanted to share my experience! Background: I ran DFW 3 times in 2022, once with 2x24kg and twice with 2x32kg. My PR for press with 2x32 was 14 reps, but my...
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    @dixieriderxx Yeah there is a pretty significant jump between phases. I set the bell down between hands for sets of 9 reps or higher. By the end of phase 2 i could do the sets of 9 without rest between hands. I didnt continue to phase 3 or attempt KSK 2.0.
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    Weighted Vest Discussion + Help: For those who have owned/used weighted vests in the past which features should be avoided and which are must haves?

    @starsatnight22 Pearl Harbor and Honolulu police both showed up. They checked out my vest and a couple guys had a good laugh. I had to make a statement and sign a waiver. The official statement I received was that the guard thought it was a drill. It was about a year later I told someone about...
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    Weighted Vest Discussion + Help: For those who have owned/used weighted vests in the past which features should be avoided and which are must haves?

    @hopehannah Not even joking I was stopped at the Nimitz gate on Pearl Harbor by a gate guard because I was wearing a weight vest. I tried calling my Chief to explain why I was going to be late to muster and the guard drew their sidearm and started screaming for me to put the phone down. I...
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    Giantkiller Review

    @lbeebe48 Sounds cool! I ran a similar amalgamation over the summer. Day one was C&P/FS, day two was snatches, and day three was straight C&P. I enjoyed the variety. I did not analyze my data to see how much i improved over any of the days but it was a lot of fun. I did this on top a heavy (for...
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    C&P+ FSQ vs C&S + P

    @lily_pad_96 Probably because of their respective sports. In Olympic weightlifting, the bar is typically received in a full squat before the jerk, so clean, squat, then press is a bit more sport specific. Kb sport uses the "long cycle" where there is no squat, so the clean then press is more...
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    DFW completed - female perspective - 2x12 kg are still plenty

    @m2j9 Awesome job! Great to hear a woman's results following the program. I wouldn't sweat the perceived lack of progress on press, it's still a 40% increase in reps at that weight! In my limited experience, increasing reps beyond a certain point at a given weight will require some specific...