C&P+ FSQ vs C&S + P


New member
Why generally Barbell workout program use Clean then Squat then Press but Kettlebells use Clean then Press then Squat.....? Is there a special purpose this differences ?

Thank you..
@lily_pad_96 Probably because of their respective sports. In Olympic weightlifting, the bar is typically received in a full squat before the jerk, so clean, squat, then press is a bit more sport specific. Kb sport uses the "long cycle" where there is no squat, so the clean then press is more sport specific, and squats thrown in for good measure. Plus, at least for me, my hand postion gets wonky after a squat so I'm better suited to press after a clean than I am for a squat.

Just my .02
@lily_pad_96 I think is not mandatory to follow any of these flows. Probably you would get the same results in whatever order you do your exercises. Commutative property: you can change the order of the numbers in the problem and it will not affect the answer. In my opinion.
@lily_pad_96 Most barbell complexes I’ve done go squat first because they use the press to transition from front squat to back squat. Like in the bear
  • Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Back Squat
  • Push Press
Javorek does that a decent amount with his complexes as well.
@lily_pad_96 Recently, for some reason, I was thinking about doing squats then presses and I was thinking if I did that I'd be tempted to just push off the squat into a.thruster rather than pause and press.
@lily_pad_96 You can power clean a barbell but if you're going heavy you need to get under the bar and the easiest way is receiving in the bottom of a squat. For your purposes it probably doesn't matter that much 🙂