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    Can’t do a single pushup

    @fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn If you don't actually measure what you're eating, it's very likely that you aren't eating what you think you're eating. I'd definitely recommend getting a food scale and actually tracking with an app like Macrofactor.
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    Can’t do a single pushup

    @fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn So honestly one of the easiest ways to fix this is to start benching. I couldn't do a single push up, but starting to bench with just the empty bar and following a standard linear progression got me strong enough that one day I could just do pushups. Also make sure...
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    Can’t do a single pushup

    @fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn You could change this to 3-4 sets of 8-12. Only increase the difficulty when you can easily hit 12 on all your sets. Make sure you increase it to a difficulty where you can hit at least 8 for all your sets.
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    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @lovebunny I noticed, but I still wouldn't have pegged her at 182.
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    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @jesus4l1fe Honestly, no. Neither of those say 182 to me. It depends a lot on how tall she is. If she were 5'2", I'd guess low 130s based on that pic and those videos. Obviously, I'm wrong and she's taller, but I'm wondering how much taller. 5'8"? 5'10"?
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    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @jesus4l1fe No doubt, but I still would never have pegged her at 182.
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    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @poppy14 Damn really? How tall is she? I would never have pegged her for that much.
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    Team U.S.A. Gymnastics member, Brandon Wynn, will be joining us for an AMA on Sunday, April 5th! Click here for the sweet, sweet details

    @pete1507 He seems to have a good 20-30lbs on gymnasts of the same height (like Germany's Philipp Boy), but he's so lean it seems to be mostly a difference of muscle mass (obviously). The crazy thing is that he weighs the same as Oly lifters of a similar height. For example, Lu Xiaojun is 5'8"...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun So swings aren't magic. It takes a caloric deficit to lose weight, so your diet will be the biggest determinant of how quickly you lose weight. You need a food scale and a way to track calories like apps like Cronometer or Macrofactor. The reason why swings help with fat loss is the same...
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    Doing a lot of sports, but I don’t feel very fit/endurance is trash?

    @sophia89 Specifically more carbs, ideally from whole food sources like grains, legumes, fruit, etc. But you're also young and active so if you want to get some extra in from junk food, please do!
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    How do I get a physique like this?

    @cici1234 This look is incredibly achievable, especially given that you're basically already at the right weight for it. You could do anything from lifting weights to get stronger to body weight training to just rock climbing, though lifting weights will always be the fastest and easiest way...