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    Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart

    @jellybug78 There are no official terms. Everyone does things differently.
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    Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart

    @beaud20 You can't categorise any lever that way. No lever is just one or two muscle dominant exercise. Back lever is a complex move which involves chest, back, biceps, triceps, shoulders and core.
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @bionde777 His videos are a cringefest No information at all
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    Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart

    @abby564 Haha lol it is not like that.. Not at all... Comparing it to other stuff like all those levers, OACs or anything that you see in the street workout culture, muscleups aren't that difficult. That is just a fact and it is what it is. I don't know why people make a big deal about muscleups.
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    Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart

    @abby564 I got it in like 3 months or so. I couldn't eve do support holds on rings before that. Nothing specal about this move but looks cool!
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @halfdice With all due respect to his cRedeNtiALs, Jeff knows absolutely nothing about calisthencs. He just threw a bunch of random calisthenics exercises in a circuit routine and calls it the pErFecT hOmE woRKouT He doesn't even know the names of the exercises and he himself cannot do most...
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    "If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

    @runatem Every coach has his/her unique methods and training philosophies. As long as their students are performing well in their sports and are not getting injured, no one should have any problem. P.S. I am not his fan. I don't even know who he is.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @janicemf You dont have to push for mrv for each exercise. If you think you are getting enough triceps work from dips, reduce the volume for triceps.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @sydneyelise They use shoulders more than regular pushups but they still hit the chest quite well. You can do ring pushups if you want. I chose pppu because they are easier to scale and helps the planche.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @aziraphale77 Bob's routine is a routine. This is a guide to help you build your own routine.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @jabberducki Feel free to swap out exercises. I have mentioned that you can do whatever exercises you like. You can do straight bar dips, normal dips, or even no dips at all if you want. These are just guidelines. As long as you are managing the volume as per these guidelines, you are good to...
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @familyiskey28 At the end of the workout. A few sets
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @ricky33 If full body workouts are taking a lot of time, consider splitting it into push-pull or upper-lower.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @ricky33 Week 1 : Monday A, Wednesday B, Friday A Week 2 : Monday B, Wednesday A, Friday B
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    1,000 Pull-ups In 1 Day For Charity

    @ennovy Good job man! I wish you and your family the best possible health.
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    My 10 Month Calisthenics journey!

    @beerandjesus Coincidently, today youtube recommended this video of yours to me. Congrats man! You finally hit your goal of 20 pullups! Amazing transformation too. Keep up the good work!
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @myablegod To be honest, it totally depends on you. Also I am not a strength coach so can't say.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @myablegod For strength training, I like to increase intensity rather than sets or reps. Anyways, the choice is yours.