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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @anonymous18 A 1-2 minute rest is very minimal when you’re prioritizing strength training. Very hard to have continuous heavy sets with minimal resting.
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @anonymous18 If you’re able to get more time, I think you’d see a lot of benefit from increasing your lifting time. It’s tough to properly strength train with minimal rest times.
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @anonymous18 A 30 minute workout is wild. I’d be curious to know what your numbers are like with that style
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    What must I do to get a harder and bigger body?

    @poolchick3 That’s something only you can answer. I don’t care to walk around with abs so I don’t cut to as lean as some guys do
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    What must I do to get a harder and bigger body?

    @poolchick3 Yup
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    What must I do to get a harder and bigger body?

    @poolchick3 Just gotta keep on cutting until you’re at a body weight you’re content with, then bulk and re cut. You’re going to need to get “smaller” to shed all that fat. You’re never going to look “hard” carrying that much fat.
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @bossyboots You said the same thing twice
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    Do y’all drink protein shakes on days you don’t work out?

    @jerryfont Yes. If I haven’t hit my protein goal for the day, then I drink one. If I hit my goal without a shake, then I don’t drink one
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    Extremely weak back after 9 months of gym

    @stoder Time to start ripping some deadlifts
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold You’re both assholes. He was probably an asshole back because you started with your stupid ass “sorry no autographs at the moment”. You’re more of an asshole. Also stop blaming your caloric deficit for being an asshole. You’re an adult.
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold There is nothing wrong with ignoring someone while you are mid set.
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold In your story you say that you took out your headphones when he was looking at you, not approaching you. You easily could have finished your set and then removed your headphones.