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    What’s your Fran time?

    @asphaltpotato 2:34. 6’2”, #215 bw. Crossfit since 2012ish.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @christina198585 haha exactly
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @justasimplea It's pretty awesome. For all the whining about the scoring and the standards this should be a really great reminder that even if you've made QF you are "competing" in the absolute loosest sense of the word.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @justasimplea Pretty good "put up or shut up" programming here.
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 2: Corn Sack Sprint

    @jonjones229 that looked really shitty.
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    Vellner not holding back on Event 6/7 programming

    @praynmama completely agreed that it's not really a programming issue, just an athlete advocacy issue. who is arguing on behalf of the athletes to have a contingency plan to swim in pools if there's a high likelihood that the water quality is going to be poor? in terms of protecting the...
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    Vellner not holding back on Event 6/7 programming

    @praynmama i think there are some arguments to be made that athletes ought to know ahead of time what novel implements there may be or if they are going to be required to swim in water that would make them ill. i would probably prefer that they not program novel implements that tip the scales...
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    CrossFit Movement Survey Results

    @epicpaymentsny ...isn't that kind of obvious? everyday life really does not necessitate movements that have a steep learning curve. the most difficult movements to learn are always going to be the ones that require that skills people have the least exposure to. the results of this survey are...
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    CrossFit Movement Survey Results

    @epicpaymentsny is this the part where you start saying "faggot" again?
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    Thoughts on ppl who've been at it a while and aren't progressing

    @aetheranima people are going to do what they are going to do and they are going to exercise in the way that they want to. there is no requirement to chase progress. for some, CrossFit is exercise, recreation, stress relief, etc. etc. CrossFit is not compulsory, people are spending their own...
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    "Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

    @dawn16 jesus christ. he's absolutely yoked tho
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    what’s everyone’s go-to (lame) joke at the gym?

    @elsiejo I like to ask "about how long the workout is taking people today" when it's an AMRAP. it's not a good joke.
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    Getting burnt out on CF and thinking of switching it up a bit (advice needed!

    @virginity intelligent program design cannot supersede proper recovery protocols. no program you pick is going to overcome your systematic under-recovery. eat better and sleep more.
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    Thoughts on ppl who've been at it a while and aren't progressing

    @dawn16 what? in terms of personal responsibility, judging others is more the responsibility of the one doing the judging than the person who is being judged for something completely harmless.
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    Who are your favorite people - genuinely - in CrossFit?

    @slickk77 I really love Camille because she doesn't pluralize any nouns or verbs and I think that's just very charming
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    Gear Q: What brand of shorts people wear?

    @annajames2050 my all time favorite shorts are the original Nike Flex Repel shorts which can be found every so often on Poshmark or eBay. otherwise, i really like Lululemon Surge (linerless) shorts, Lululemon THE Short (linerless), and i typically like most of Nike's running shorts but often...
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    All the Taint

    @russg the coffee. at some point, it has the opposite effect for me. i have a 40min or so commute to work in the morning so i'll just try to down it then and by the time i get to work i have to.... ummm.. go. if i drink coffee in the afternoon, i couldn't "go" if my life depended on it.
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    All the Taint

    @russg i don't know how people do that, seriously.
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    All the Taint

    @russg yeah i mean honestly i sleep 9 hours every night and eat only whole, natural, unprocessed foods last night, i ate 5 peanut butter cups while staying up until 1am