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  1. D

    Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

    @jessica50332 I don’t think you look bulky at all and I actually see a lot of room for muscle development if that’s what you are after. You look more lean than muscular.
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    After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

    @evnwlsn Have you lost a lot of weight? I have lost 110 pounds since 2011 (lose, gain, lose etc) and this is what my arms look like when I hold them out like that. I also have those same hollow armpits too! I have been working out and lifting weights a tonnnn for the last three years and while...
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    How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

    @gotquestion That’s way too fast for 18 sets (i.e. upper body day 1). That’s like less than one min per set. Are you using the same pair of dumbbells for every move? It takes me a lot of time just to set up all the equipment and various dumbbells I need.
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    Help with calorie deficits

    @phil4367 If you can get your steps to 8000-10000 a day I think you’d be able to enjoy dieting more bc 1500 cals should be enough of a deficit to produce weight loss.
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    Help with calorie deficits

    Sounds like moderate activity level to me. Steps may be a little low for moderate though. A 500 calorie per day deficit should produce like a 4 to 5 pound weight loss per month. Have you been losing on 12-1500 calories?
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    Help with calorie deficits

    @phil4367 How many steps do you average per day in total and how long are your strength sessions?
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    Is it just me or do we get ignored at parties/bars because we’re short? like people can’t see or notice us in the crowd

    @woollybear No. The only time I feel this way is at a concert where it’s standing room only. Then all the 6+ footers feel like they need to stand right in front of me.
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    Rate my Workout

    @minhducyahoo This routine doesn’t focus on one muscle group per day. Every day is a full body. For instance, day 1 is legs, shoulders, glutes, back and core. Day 2 is glutes, chest, legs, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. And day 3 is mixed too. If you like doing your workouts this way then just...