How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

@gotquestion That’s way too fast for 18 sets (i.e. upper body day 1). That’s like less than one min per set. Are you using the same pair of dumbbells for every move? It takes me a lot of time just to set up all the equipment and various dumbbells I need.
@gotquestion Mine are mostly 20-25 minutes with a rarer 15 minute or 30-45 minute session. I’ve also been lifting for almost half of my life now at 28 and I’ve been all across the spectrum of programs and regimens in that time and what I do now is what works best for me and maintains my health/physique the way I like.

These days my goals with lifting are just to be healthy. Being healthy to me means maintaining my ideal physique, mental clarity, better mood and sleep, maintaining good posture, mobility and body mechanics, and bone health.

I’m going to disagree with most people here that they’re too short by default but do agree that it depends on your goals and where you’re at!
@gotquestion 45-75 min. For compound lifts I’m resting 3-4 min between sets. For accessories I rest 2 min between sets. I lift heavy so keep my rep ranges in 4-5 reps for compounds and no more than 8 reps for accessories; seems like you might be lifting lighter than you can/should for progressive overload, in which case you would need the longer rest periods.
@gotquestion It takes me about 35-45 minutes, depending on how many exercises I do. I probably average about 5 exercises and do 3-4 sets with 60-90 seconds in-between. I always follow with 15-45 minutes of include cardio depending on how I'm feeling.
@gotquestion My gym does group strength training sessions which last 45 minutes each. I go 5x a week.

Herd’s the breakdown: Five minute stretching then we spend the next 30 minutes doing three sets of six different exercises (generally we aim for 10 reps for each set). Then five minute cooldown.
@gotquestion You're not lifting heavy enough. That will force you to rest between sets.

On the other hand, if you want to continue using light weights, then increase your reps to 18-20.

I have almost a similar plan and it takes me 45 mins to 90 mins to complete, and that's excluding cardio, and I am usually dead by the end of it.

It takes me almost 30 minutes just to get through squats or deadlifts!