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  1. B

    What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?

    @imjustme123 lol, ok. Says the guy who wants "casual" information on "how not to die." Walk a little and pick things up. Don't shovel shit food into your mouth and your good. Just pick up a Men's Health subscription. That's about as casual as you can get.
  2. B

    What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?

    @imjustme123 Not at the present moment I don't.
  3. B

    What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?

    @imjustme123 Lol. Good luck buddy. Have fun being a "casual," whatever that means.
  4. B

    What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?

    @imjustme123 Uh, no one takes that shit seriously. Have you not heard of MyFitnessPal? Does the tracking for you, takes at most 1-2 minutes to catalogue what you ate.
  5. B

    What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?

    @imjustme123 You want to put on muscle mass, but don't want to track your protein (the thing that actually builds muscle)?
  6. B

    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @lunk173 Yeah. It's called your body just isn't used to it at all. That goes away.