What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?

@imjustme123 I love this question and have often had the same thought! I’m in my late 30s, big job, young kids, no pressing health issues (I’m slim etc).... I don’t want to get WAY into fitness, I basically want to do whatever the bare minimum is to not just creak towards an early death. I liked your links and will look at them but thank you for asking the question!
@imjustme123 I feel like some of the responses you are getting are wilfully misunderstanding :) I don’t want to give up sugar either and don’t see what in your question would suggest that as a next step.

Thank you for the introduction to ask a swole woman!
the ‘getting ripped in 30 days’ ‘bulging biceps’ type of mentality that permeates YouTube for example.

Uh, no one takes that shit seriously.

I have neither the time nor the desire to dedicate hours upon hours every week to tracking calories, protein intake and navel-gazing about gains (but hey good on ya if that’s what u want

Have you not heard of MyFitnessPal? Does the tracking for you, takes at most 1-2 minutes to catalogue what you ate.
@imjustme123 I find Dan John's work (podcast, books, and articles) to be great for what you're looking for. Emphasis on maintaining primary movement patterns as you get older, while building strength and some muscle. I especially like his concepts of "park bench" workouts and "bus bench" workouts
@imjustme123 I'm sorry you are being downvoted just for trying to learn. Don't let them down you.

I think Buff Dudes YouTube channel will work for you. They offer a lot of information with a very casual and understandable language.
@mhabs508 I appreciate the suggestion, but I don’t particularly want to entirely give up sugar. This isn’t really a viable solution for most people as many things with sugar taste great, and that’s part of a good quality of life

I don’t eat many sugary things as it is, but I’d much rather have the option to have a cookie or a piece of cake than I would have a sixpack.

I’m mainly looking for writers/websites/youtubers that have a more realistic approach to fitness that suits more ‘average’ folks like myself. Most of it is not that
@mhabs508 I posted a couple above. A lot of fitness discourse is unfortunately unapproachable, unrealistic for many and can be rather toxic, and I’m sure that prevents many from getting more healthy
hours upon hours every week to tracking calories

If you spend hours upon hours on it, then there's something wrong. You should be paying attention to how much you take in; everyone should, but you also said that you're "slightly chubby", which in today's warped perception of weight usually means at least high overweight and potentially obese.

You said your goal is not to die; taking care of your weight is a big part of that.
@leeza Thanks for the condescending post presuming I don’t know anything about my own health, shape or body weight, or that I don’t know what‘slightly’ chubby means.

If you read any of my comments here, I am NOT looking for advice on my own routine, just looking to share bloggers/YouTubers that have a certain kind of discourse related to fitness. If you don’t have anything like that to share, please refrain from commenting, it’s not especially helpful
Thanks for the condescending post presuming I don’t know anything about my own health, shape or body weight, or that I don’t know what‘slightly’ chubby means.

Most people underestimate how fat they are, and you popped off with some nonsense about spending hours counting calories.

You said already that you're fat and that you don't want to spend the absolute minimum effort and time to do something about it. You think people should just say nothing just because it's not what you want to hear?
@leeza Yes. Otherwise that’s just being a patronizing arsehole to ‘help’ people who didn’t ask for your help. I was not trying to create a discussion about counting calories so I was not asking a serious question about that specifically. Moreover, I did not say I was fat, and I most definitely know more about it than you do based on some bizarre idea of how ‘most people’ perceive their bodies. Move along, clearly this wasn’t for you.