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  1. M

    Please don’t kip in your handstand push ups

    @dawn16 Which is a more intense exercise? Performing 30 x 100# back squats or 15 x 250# back squats in the same time frame? The 250# back squats are likely to be slower but will be more intense. If your definition of intensity is measured purely by speed then why don't we just all use PVC...
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    Please don’t kip in your handstand push ups

    @channel7 I agree for all the reasons you stated. When working towards hspu I worked starting with my knees on a box. That was a strict movement. I'd also perform controlled negatives (controlled being the keyword here!). Then I did kipping hspu? Weird progression. I've never understood how...
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    Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

    @uzezi Guys who have high self confidence will be supportive and not make it a competition of who is better or more fit.
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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @mksamas OHS is humbling! I too struggled with an empty bar when I started. For me I had to work on shoulder mobility. Over time I was able to feel much more stable and get to below parallel. It took me a few years to fix my mobility issues. After 7 years they are still a work in progress...
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread

    @twinmama I love that she tried that 100kg snatch again after her heat was over.