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    57M wanting to get fit

    @unclemendy 54 here! Everyday workouts keep things oiled. You won’t regret it. You are off to a great start! Progress way slower than you think you need. Injury prevention is key. If I take a week off for vacation or something, I knock the weight way back to get acclimated again. You could...
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    Going to whine a little…

    @nedlm10 Well, few things. I struggle with joint pains. Have since I was 30’ish. Check your diet for food sensitivities. Go ultra clean on the diet and see if they go away. Diet can be a big contributor. Progress more slowly. The Strong lift 5x5 program recommends a 10 lb step every workout...
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 I always warm up. First squat at 135 when the working weight is 185 seems like a heavy start for me. My working weight is right about 185 and my first sets are 65 x paused; 95 paused; 135 x3; then working weight. My warmup before j even touch the bar is 5-10 minute dynamic...
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    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    @jllll 52M here long time fitness advocate. I don’t sleep enough and I drink occasionally. DOM’s is at least a 3 day experience after heavy sets. Prior to 45 it was always a 2 day thing. Protein, sleep, active recovery, and lower incremental steps on my linear progression program help.
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    Going to whine a little…

    @nedlm10 On Creatine ? It’s the most studied and widely used effective supplement. If you happen to be mostly vegetarian adding Creatine is a game changer. If you are a daily meat eater, you probably have a bit extra in your system already.
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    Advice sought for beginning excercise at 57

    @nikorasu95 That walk sounds great. If you follow the fitness>30 and fitness>50 groups, injury often comes up as a reason for sidelining fitness. It has also played a role in my progress after a vehicle accident where I was rear ended. It just takes so much longer to heal >50. Good luck! You...
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    Advice sought for beginning excercise at 57

    @nikorasu95 Ok, what I read above is “got injured and never went back to it” Injury avoidance has to be a very high priority at our age. Whatever you do, do less and progress slower than you think you need to. Walk- not a leisurely dog walk. A fitness walk. Walk with purpose at a strong...